Setting Volumes For Registering

Started by adrianed, Jun 01, 2020, 02:04 PM

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Hi Folks,
Couple of days ago I saw on Facebook somebody had sent in information about registering a volume setup IE Style 80, Left voice 60, Right 1 110 etc
This was a copy of information from this site sent in by Andrew Gilbert.
I couldn't find Andrew's information here so I wonder if anyone can point me to where it is stored, I am just looking to see if Andrew had added more information so I can understand better how to use the settings
Its easy enough to store the settings information on one button in the bank, but I cant see exactly how to use the saved settings on several different songs.
So, having saved this volume setup in a single memory button how do I proceed from here to make up a song registration using the settings and also keep the settings registration free to use many times
The idea is to use the pre saved volume settings for use on many songs using different voices
I hope I have explained this ok, it does seem a bit of a muddle.
With regards to the article by Andrew being reproduced by another person on face book I think they should have not done this, it does refer that it originated here on this site and that Andrew was creator, but it does not say that Andrew gave permission
Thankyou in advance,


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