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Expansion pack backup option ?

Started by biuro74, May 26, 2020, 04:11 PM

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Is there any way to store Expansion Pack (or its files) before factory reset, which I do whenever I buy second hand keyboard with already installed content ?
I don't want to delete it. I have no installer file either.

Any thoughts ?


Hi Martin,

there is definitely NO way to save installed Expansion Packs from the keyboard "back" to the computer or to a USB drive. You must have the installation data.

But: You have posted in the "PSR-S950/S750/S650" forum section. Which model do you have?

The Sx50 models use the "old" .yep Expansion Pack format (meanwhile discontinued by Yamaha). Note: Only ONE .yep Pack can be installed at a time.

The good news is that you can find a LOT of those .yep Packs for FREE on the Internet. :)

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Thank you for a quick response.
My question relates to Sx50 series, I do have currently S950, but it changes often. It's why common knowledge is very welcome (for me).
So the only way is to find an installer, unfortunately it's pointless to use Yamaha Musicsoft webpage in my case :/


Quote from: biuro74 on May 26, 2020, 06:42 PM
Thank you for a quick response.
My question relates to Sx50 series, I do have currently S950, but it changes often. It's why common knowledge is very welcome (for me).
So the only way is to find an installer, unfortunately it's pointless to use Yamaha Musicsoft webpage in my case :/

So as Chris said, if you have S950, and the pack that's currently installed is an official Yamaha one, then two choices:

1 - Go to musicsoft and buy a new copy of the pack (I don't understand why you say it's pointless, they are still on sale)
2 - "Acquire" a copy of the pack from somewhere online, they are not encrypted and will work on any S950. Obviously, I can't recommend you do that :)

Bear in mind that if you upgrade to Sx70 or above, they use a completely different expansion format and you will *not* be able to use the S950 pack on it.