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File Extensions explained

Started by chris-59, Jun 02, 2020, 04:47 AM

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Hi there all, hope you are all doing well in these times.
I have a question about the file names. Some are self explanatory. Who would like to help me spreading some light on this issue.?
OTS = One touch setting
STY - Style file
PRS = Preset (tone)
AUS = Audio style file

many thanks in advance,
Chris  ;)



Yamaha (Session Style) by Yamaha Corporation of America
This file type is used by the Tyros2 and other high-end Yamaha keyboards. This association is classified as Audio. The identifying characters used for this association are - Hex: 4D 54 68 64, ASCII: MThd This association is classified as Audio.

The sst file extension is associated with electronic keyboards developed by Japanese company Yamaha.

The sst file stores session style (an audio data) for Yamaha keyboards.

Seems to be obsolete audio format.

The bcs file extension is related to the Yamaha high end electronic keyboards.

The bcs file contains audio basic style data for Yamaha keyboards.

The bcs file may be editable in specialized audio apps from Yamaha.
SCP(dj style)

It is a "Dj style"

Hi Chris,
you can read below the article of mr Jorgen about the Yamaha style formats:
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