PSR-SX900 Playlist vs. PSR-S900 Music Finder

Started by abps1976, May 22, 2020, 02:37 AM

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Hi everyone

Please can you help me? In 2007 I purchased a brand new PSR-S900 which I have kept and used to
this day.

I am going to be upgrading to a new PSR-SX900 in September this year.

The current PSR-S900 that I own has Music Finder. You press "Music Finder" and using the data wheel
are able to configure the keyboard to play a variety of different songs.  I upgraded mine with a Music Finder file that was programmed with the proper song titles as apposed to the vague descriptions installed in the instrument due to "copyright issues ".

My question therefore is:  Is the Playlist on the PSR-SX900 populated in a similar way? Does the Playlist show proper song titles out of the box, or is there an updated one I am able to load into the instrument if necessary?

Thank you for your help.

Kind regards



The play lists do contain the proper titles to songs but are a little different to Music finder as they also contain registration banks and allow you to save all the things you do with registrations. A much better system all round.
If you go onto the SX900 Yamaha download site you will be able to download extra playlists. These must be saved to a USB stick and used from there.
  If you save your Music Finder file you are using on your present keyboard you will be able to convert this on the SX to work but as there are probably a lot more new styles you may find some files will not work as they should.


Thank you for your help. You have put my mind at ease. Thank you


The 'MusicFinder' on the previous PSRs was just great, if it was fully loaded you had about 2,000 song to style records and you could enter your own, the new playlist on the SX is just not working for me.

I don't understand why YAMAHA dropped this feature, it's an arranger keyboard using styles, we need as much information as to what styles work with what songs or tempos as what we can get in the initial stages of assembling a song, it probably will be back in some way in the next model.



Hi Pino,
  Each of the nine playlists for the SX have song titles and load with one registration setting which you can add to and Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login can also load in MF files and the keyboard converts them to a playlist. It is also very easy to make your own playlists by adding your favorite registrations with all there effects such as Transpose and Pedal settings plus multi Pads of your choice.
  It is much more versatile than Music Finder and is what people have been asking for for a long time.
You just need to get used to it.


I am having difficulty in finding where I can download Music Finder files for my sx 900. I have only been able to find and download the Bonus Playlist. Where can I find the playlist and Music Finder files?




Hi Frank,

in the description of my video there is a link from which you can download Music Finder with over 1400 titles.
Watch my video channel


Thank you for your response but I do not find the link on your video, I do see a link for English version but nothing for the MF. Can you send it?

Thanks again


Below the video you have a description, just click on "show more" and a link to download the MDF file will open.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Watch my video channel


Why not simply use the Tyros 5 Music finder file and convert this to a playlist

When a playlist is created it AUTOMATICALLY creates matching registration banks for each of the old music finder records .

Playlist is what it is, simply a 'list' contains no data and NEEDS registrations to operate  ....Hence matching registrations banks are created for you for each record/song title ( if you go into reg screen afterwards they will be there )  You will find an individual dedicated reg bank for each song title from music finder in button one, with the remaining buttons in the bank empty and available to edit and save any changes to is just such an easy way to use the conversions.

This is a great unsung bonus IMHO which Yamaha dont seem to mention when they talk about conversion of MFD files to playlist.
In fact, I have converted several sets of music finder files and deleted the playlists as i work just from the reg. banks it provides, Then I create new playlists using just the song titles i wish.

Bonners have provided a video of the simple conversion process done on a genos and it works just the same way on the SX models

Regards keith

see -

ps...not sure but I think you will find there are several Music finder files available on the PSR tutorial here


Hi keith
It's all in my video I linked above. Precise instructions for converting MDF to Playlist and download files with 1400 tracks that I put in one place.
Watch my video channel


ok Sorry

I was also trying to highlight the point about the creation of registration banks which are created for each record

I myself make more use of these than i do the conversion to playlists
