Vocal harmony settings?

Started by juketsu, Jul 13, 2020, 07:56 AM

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I changed my keyboard a week ago, now I have an SX900 (formerly an S975). I had a few good self-made (to my own taste) vocal settings, but forgot to recover them from the old player. I understand the only way to transfer song settings from one device to another is with a registration file, am I right?

There are several good singers in this forum who have good vocal settings in their performances. Would someone be so kind and send me even just one table sound setting? Of course, I understand that the singing voice is unique and the microphone affects the end result. My microphone is a Shure SM58, a pretty good universal microphone I think.

Thanks a lot for the help!


Paul B

i just received my Sx900 last Thursday and I am upgrading from a 975 also. I am still struggling to get my  vocal settings to my liking. The vocal processor controls are so different between the two boards that I haven't found a way to just copy any of the vocal settings. The basic categories are saved in registrations but the settings for the categories are different between the two boards.

The best way I know is to just keep tweaking the settings until what you hear is what you want to sound like. It takes awhile but mine is getting there. You can use whatever mic you prefer but your sound is certainly affected by the mic you use so if you use several different mics, you will need to develop profiles for each mic.

Good luck and congratulations on you new SX900.
Paul B
Kenosha, WI

PSR-SX900, Bose S1 Pro(2)


Hi Paul!

Thanks for your answer and congratulations for you too! This keyboard is great, but this is a big change compared to my old keyboard. You`re probably right, there is no easy way...

Best wishes,
