Will PSR-S970 Styles Work on a 660?

Started by Tresclub, Sep 06, 2017, 07:43 PM

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Just bought my Son a DGX-660.  So far, he really loves it.  Especially since it is an upgrade from his old DGX-520.
I have been playing PSRs for years, and have a score of different styles collected.  I'm wondering if there is any
chance any of these PSR styles might work on his 660?

Warren "Tresclub" Peters
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Ed B

I took a quick look at the manual and no the styles will not work directly. The styles used have only 2 variations A and B and the accompanied voices are XG lite. However, you may possibly be able to modify some of the styles to play by reducing them to 2 variations and editing the voices. Jorgen has a software package that can reduce the style size, Style ReMixer.
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Voices can be changed using his Style Revoicer.
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Which is compatible with the DCX 650 and should work for 660
Hope this helps
Ed B
Keep on learning


Thanks Ed,  I really appreciate the reply.

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Just to add to this, the 660 will just ignore variations C and D and it should try voice substitution, so you may get at least something without any modifications.

Small caveat, I believe there's a restriction on the file size - if the style file is too big, you'd need to remove C and D before it loads.


Hello Warren,

The best thing to do is to put the styles on an USB stick and try to play them trough the DGX 660. Some will play fine, some will sound strange and will need some tweaking if you want to use them and some will not work at all, for instance if they are too big or contain mega voices etc.

I suggest that you write down which styles are working, which don't and which you are wiling to tweak. It is wise to delete the styles you don't want to keep because the DGX 650 can only accomodate 100 style files on one USB stick (you can store more of course but the DGX will only "see" the first 100 in alphabetical order).

The DGX will read files into folders so this can help you sort the styles by category.

If you like a particular PSR S970 style and you want to keep the 4 variations, you will have to use Style Remixer to "divide" your style into two new styles. For instance, if you have a style labelled "Rock" from the PSR S970, you can put intro 1 and ending 1 together with variations 1 and 2 in a new "Rock1" style, and put intro 2 and ending 2 as well as variations 3 and 4 in a new "Rock2" style. This way, you can achieve some variety.

And: just dig into the "Styles" section of the Website to find new styles for your son's DGX 660. Usually "older" keyboards styles will work, but sometimes there will be tempo or volume issues, just give it a try, for instance with styles for the PSR 740.

Hope this helps,


Past keyboards: PSR E313, PSR E413, PSR E433, PSR S550, DGX 640, upright piano.
Now: DGX 650, Casio CT-X800.


Thank you all for you replies, they are sincerely appreciated.

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Chelsea 4023

I have just purchased a DGX660 for my niece and nephew a couple of days ago.
I would like to be able to provide them with additional styles on a USB stick.

There must be some DGX650 and DGX660 owners that have found additional styles for their instruments,
surely it would be a good idea to give owners an opportunity to upload them onto the forums
so that other DGX owners can enjoy.
Alternatively can any forum members point out which Yamaha instrument's styles are likely to work
on a DGX650/660.
Many thanks in advance,


Hi Chris,

The DGX 660 can read both SFF1 and SFF2 style files directly from an USB stick. There might be two problems: if the file is too large the keyboard won't read it and there might be a problem with the voices if the styles were made for another type of keyboard, for instance a Tyros with Megavoices etc.
It will be the same problem with the styles made for the PSR S970. I'd ather try styles made for older keyboards like the PSR 740 or the PSR S700 or S900.

Many of the styles found on this site will work, although some might sound clumsy. I'd say the best thing to do is to try them out and put aside all styles which sound find, then store them on an USB stick to that effect.

You'll also find some software to tweak style files ln the main website, notably by Michael Bedesem and Jorgen Sorensen. But it takes time and there is a learning curve, so you might not want to tweak styles right now - just keep aside the styles that you like.

I will create a new thread and make it sticky so that people who have collected or tweaked styles which sound particularly well on the DGX line of keyboards could all be found at the same place.

There are a few rules, though:

- You cannot share a commercial style murchased through Yamaha or any vendor.
- If you share a free style which was provided on this site or another site, you have to give credit to the person who created / provided the style.
- The number of styles provided at once should be limited, let's say to five styles at once.

I have been thinking a long time ago about doing this but haven't done it so far since I do not have a lot of time myself at the time being to collect and try out style to check whether they sound find on the DGX, let alone tweak them. I'll create the new thread in the forthcoming days nonetheless and we'll see if some DGX enthusiasts are willing to share some styles with the rest of the community.

Best Regards,

Past keyboards: PSR E313, PSR E413, PSR E433, PSR S550, DGX 640, upright piano.
Now: DGX 650, Casio CT-X800.

Chelsea 4023

Many thanks Vinciane, I look forward to working with the DGX660.


I received my DGX-660 a few days ago and I have some observations regarding style files from other Yamaha models:

1)  Most of the styles from other models sound and work OK in the DGX-660.  The exceptions are some of the Tyros styles.

2) The bad news:  I observed that, in most cases, when a style has A, B, and C parts, the C part is by far the best pleasing sounding of the three but the DGX-660 can only access the A part.  So, I used the Style ReMixer software to switch parts A and C of the style file.  This works, except that after doing this the DGX-660 does not access the ending part.  That is, when you push the ending button the 660 ignores it and continues playing.  In general, when I do any style file change using the Style ReMixer software the ending portion of the style is not used by the 660.  I appreciate if anybody adds some comments/solutions to this problem.

3)  I found the previous problem after I bought a style from the Yamaha store after listening to the style on their web page.  When I played it on the 660 the style was much different and of inferior musical quality. Then, using One Man Band (OMB), I found that it had A, B and C parts and that the C part was by far the best and was the one advertised by Yamaha. I repeated this with many other styles and found the same thing.  I wonder why the best sounding part of a style is almost always "hidden" away in the C part which many keyboards can not access.  Please provide any comments on this.

Thank you



Make sure you select something for each part, even if you aren't making a change to it.

Can you post a style file that itsn't working right?



Thanks for your quick response.

Here are the files you requested.

File Amor.S724.sty is the original file without remixing.  This file plays OK part A in the 660, including ending.

File Amor1.sty.sty is the previous file remixed using Style ReMixer where parts A and C are switched.  This file plays OK the C part in the 660 but without the ending.

Thank you very much for your help.


[attachment deleted by admin]


Hi SeaGTGraff,

You are right.  Remixing works OK when you fill all the parts, even if you do not need them.  This problem is solved.  Thank you very much.

Another question, how do you remix a style file that has, say, only parts A and B?  In this case you can not fill in all the parts.

Thanks a lot and regards,



For the DGX-660, all you can use are the A and B variations, so there's no need to choose anything for the C and D variations. So make sure you select something for Intro A, Intro B, Main A, Main B, Fill-In AA, Fill-In BB, Ending A, and Ending B, even if you don't want to change whatever is already in any of those sections. For example, if you wanted to move Ending C to Ending A but wanted Ending B left as is, you would need to move Ending C to Ending A, and move Ending B to Ending B.


Quote from: ougazz on Nov 15, 2017, 07:22 PM
I wonder why the best sounding part of a style is almost always "hidden" away in the C part which many keyboards can not access.  Please provide any comments on this.

It's the convention on Yamaha styles that they start simple (A) and get more complex as you move through B, C, D.

It's not a deliberate ploy to hide them away! The style file format, and this convention, has been around for many years. It's a bonus really that the E and DGX series can read the files at all.


I appreciate all the help and replies here on this topic of styles that work with the DGX-660...
so far I am enjoying playing this unit..learning more here all the time about it.

question?.....can you buy styles that work on the DGX 660 on sites like Musicsoft  or anywhere else online ...?
I don't mind paying for quality styles to buy & use....please direct me to it.



Reporting back..........

Stle Remixer program worked like a charm in converting 4 var styles to 2 variations...quite simple also ....
Thank you all for the help with this....
Now I havve to figure out how to SAVE the style song from the USB to one of the REG memory slots in the DGX660?



Could someone please answer this
Tyros 5 (finally ),Tyros 4, Korg M3 88,  Kawia MP7,Casio PX 560 Cakewalk Sonar BIAB Cubase 5
Mackie DLM8 Keyboard stereo Powered speakers and subwoofer