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Midi pedals volume tyros 5

Started by Tezwalker, May 09, 2020, 09:53 AM

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 Hi  I have fitted some bass pedals which I have made using old organ pedals converted to midi
I have connected midi out to midi in B pedals work fine there on channel 3
I  have made five midi templates one right 1
Midi 2 used right2 voice
Midi3 used right3 voice
Midi4 used left voice
Midi5 used left plus chord
So far everything works ok   Keyboard plays ok
Now comes the problem say midi3 use right voice 3 I can turn down the volume on the voice but the pedals volume stays at full volume  but playing the right hand no problem is there any way of controlling the pedal volume

Thanks in advance



Hello Terry, I've just installed a Studio Logic MP117 pedalboard... I'll try your suggested midi profile. I read on a tutorial somewhere, that a pedalboard needs to be attached to Midi A  on the Tyros.

I'm using a Tyros 5 76, NP30 and MP117.  It would be useful to have 'jOrgan' on a tablet to assign sounds to each part.



I have built a pedalboard from Doepfer in Germany. MBP 25 midi basepedal electronic . an do it yourself .
Thomann sells this pedalboard. I made an case for the pedals 2 octaves. In Midi A on Tyros 5.