Midi changing Registration Memories

Started by Duffy, May 09, 2020, 08:39 AM

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I downloaded a midi file from this site earlier and have come acrroo a problem I have never experienced before with any midi file.
The file is Andante Andante (ABBA)  and when I play it, it replaces my panel settings with the voices  the midi file is playing.
For instance Registration says Electric Piano but keeps getting replace by a classical flute which the midi file is playing.
Have re-worked my Registration 3 times but keep finishing up with all 10 memories holding this flute.
I should mention that I'm only using the Midi to read the score and learn the song because I can't find the dots.
Been doing this for years and never had this problem before.
How can I stop my rehistration memories from changing themselves?


remove the sysex in the midi file it corrupt the performents
or upload it then i can have a look on it
Also check your midi setup
Use only usb 1 for song replay
Usb 2 is for pannelvoices and arranger



Hi Tony,

probably there are so called "Keyboard Voice Meta Events" in this MIDI file. (Those events are written into a MIDI file when you save the file in "MIDI Multi Recording / Setup" and you have checked the item "Keyboard Voice" there.)

To confirm my guess, please do the following test:

First load a different MIDI file, and load also different voices in the Keyboard Parts. Then load your Registration that loads the "broken" MIDI file (which changes your keyboard voices). (Or load that MIDI file manually if you don't have memorized it to a Registration.)

Now press the SAME Registration button AGAIN. If you now have the "right" voices (you originally memorized to this Registration), the problem are definitely the Keyboard Voice Meta Events mentioned above.

Then please come back here, because there are several ways to remove these events from a MIDI file.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Midi files will play on any USB stick 12or3. Some midi files are recorded using OTS so make sure your OTS link is off.


Used midis for many years to learn tunes when dots were unavailable but have no technical knowledge of the inner complexities
so I don't really understand what you are asking me.

I have tried using the file from Just USB (2) or saving it in the keyboard memory
but still get the same results.

Have also examined the computer Properties of the midi but learnt nothing,
and I have used my computer midi player called Anvil Studio to look for background info but still learnt nothing.

As I'm sure you can't add attachments to a post, here is where I got the file from

The file is a midi file downloaded from this site named Andante Andante by Marcelo Gaspar
and the files full actual name is AndanteAndante-MG163.mid
copied the link if that helps.

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Thanks so much for your help guys.


The midifile is a keyboard recorded song
I did remove all sysex
sysex make changes like start stop select performents enz.
it send it to all midi poorts when you play a midi file over midi poort 1
the syex send it also to midi poort 2 the pannel voices and arranger

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This is a update the first was fault

You can use those command when you play a midi file
you can give commands like start stop select performents start the arranger
perhaps somebody has a list of those commands to use it on our midi files
there is a trick to record them
start the recorder with the midi file you want to edit
use the knobs with the commands you want to use use to record them in the midi file


The Meta Event "Keyboard Voice"

FF 7F len 43 73 0D 01 [Data]

Keyboard Voice settings for the Right 1 – 3 and Left parts.
Entered to the Song, from the display called up via [RECORDING]  MIDI
[Multi Recording]  [Setup],

see DataList on page 115,

in a midifile is responsable for loosing the control
over R1+R2+R3 & Left from the panelvoices.

Delete this event, (those events)  eventualy in MixMaster or on the Genos
via "Step Edit".

This event is often inserted in the midifile because
"Keybardvoice" is selected in the "Setup-dialog" from
"Midi Multi Recording"before saving the file.
If you don't want this:"un"-select this function.
By default this is NOT selected.

The purpose of this function is that R1+R2+R3 & Left
can be recorded several times in the midfile,
so that one doesn't have to select any voice by performing
with a midifile.

Best Regards
Eddy Vanzee


Quote from: vanzee on May 10, 2020, 07:55 AM
The Meta Event "Keyboard Voice"

FF 7F len 43 73 0D 01 [Data]

Keyboard Voice settings for the Right 1 – 3 and Left parts.
Entered to the Song, from the display called up via [RECORDING]  MIDI
[Multi Recording]  [Setup],

see DataList on page 115,

in a midifile is responsable for loosing the control
over R1+R2+R3 & Left from the panelvoices.

Delete this event, (those events)  eventualy in MixMaster or on the Genos
via "Step Edit".

This event is often inserted in the midifile because
"Keybardvoice" is selected in the "Setup-dialog" from
"Midi Multi Recording"before saving the file.
If you don't want this:"un"-select this function.
By default this is NOT selected.

The purpose of this function is that R1+R2+R3 & Left
can be recorded several times in the midfile,
so that one doesn't have to select any voice by performing
with a midifile.
Sysex is standaard midi for all midi like roland yamaha enz.
Syesex over ruled meta events
they are only used by yamaha
When you take a pro midi file there is always sysex
works on all midi keyboards synths and modules


Hi Tony,

I loaded your MIDI file in "PSRUTI" and used the Function "Extras > Delete Keyboard Events". (1 Keyboard Voice Meta Event was removed.)

"vanzee" described the technical background regarding these keyboard voice events very well above.

You can download the fixed file from my Dropbox:

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In my opinion, using "PSRUTI" is the easiest method to remove such Keyboard Voice Meta Events from a MIDI file. At the same time, you can also remove other unwanted events. I have already described this option here (Option 2.):

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Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Quote from: overover on May 10, 2020, 10:35 AM
Hi Tony,

I loaded your MIDI file in "PSRUTI" and used the Function "Extras > Delete Keyboard Events". (1 Keyboard Voice Meta Event was removed.)

"vanzee" described the technical background regarding these keyboard voice events very well above.

You can download the fixed file from my Dropbox:

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In my opinion, using "PSRUTI" is the easiest method to remove such Keyboard Voice Meta Events from a MIDI file. At the same time, you can also remove other unwanted events. I have already described this option here (Option 2.):

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Best regards,
I did test the file there are stil a lot of sysex events in the file
Start the file and look on the style section
You see the style changes bij the lights changings
Test my file i did upload it it is perfect clean
I did remove all sysex in one go i found over 30 sysex events


Quote from: Janus on May 10, 2020, 07:00 PM
I did test the file there are stil a lot of sysex events in the file
Start the file and look on the style section
You see the style changes bij the lights changings
Test my file i did upload it it is perfect clean
I did remove all sysex in one go i found over 30 sysex events

Hi Janus,

I deliberately just removed the Keyboard Voice Events from this MIDI file (and left the Style SysEx and other Keyboard Meta Events in place).

Download the following file, here I had ticked ALL the boxes when executing the "Delete Keyboard Events" function (as shown in the picture of my Reply #8 ):

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Removing SysEx manually from a MIDI file can only be recommended to experienced users. Yamaha XG MIDI files often contain a large number of SysEx, which must not be deleted because they are required for the Effect settings, for example.

If a MIDI file is "only" to be used to display the Score, you could of course delete almost everything from this file. ;)

But in many (if not most) cases, processing with PSRUTI is recommended. (Normally I also run the "Optimize XG" function in PSRUTI. In the present case, I did NOT do this in order to change the original file as little as possible. In principle, however, it is recommended for every file to use "Optimize XG  function.)

Best regards,

● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)