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Started by iulistil2, May 07, 2020, 04:50 AM

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Well I cannot EXPRESS how much I appreciate this forum... and most particularly today.... ALL those who weighed in on this particular thread. I cannot imagine why anyone wouldn't WANT to update to the latest firmware, and as I'd previously posted, there is NO telling how many hours I spent trying to do it. Bill, you are entirely correct. I DID need to delete ALL the many different downloads. I knew that.. but your suggestion about how to easily find them all to quickly do it was MOST HELPFUL and appreciated. Chris, I cannot thank you enough for making the link available to me (in the correct format) on dropbox. I do have an account and knowing you'd done this gave me the confidence to delete all others, and make sure the file was named exactly as your link. I SO appreciate your time, expertise and generous spirit to help make this as fool proof as possible. Ton70, I think this .cpgs (archived) format was REALLY SCREWING ME UP. I've never seen this before, but the Yamaha file acts differently... auto unzips, and when double clicked gives me that useless item. So thanks for clearing that up. Other mac users may benefit from all of you. And last, but never least, Fred is one of huge heroes here. There's not a day I don't learn something or think of him from his generous lead sheets he's shared. The first comment about the hyphen was my attempt to rename and delete all the various numbers which appear with each additional download. Knowing to remove the number and hyphen was HUGE. I think THAT is why my data was never recognized until everything was perfect... thanks to you all. We have a "liftoff" and I've checked the utility menu to be sure it is 1.4. And it is! I have been lucky enough to have many of the PSR series... and a Tyros 5. For me, the SX900 is about as good as it gets for what I need and do. Again, best to you all... with many thanks to you and all who contribute so much to this forum! John


Quote from: JohnStarbuck on May 16, 2020, 08:30 AM
  ...Another member mentioned that he had a problem with MAC Safari automatically unzipping and opening. ...

John, that was me. I used my MacBook Air running Mojave 10.14.6, I have not been able to get Catalina to download and install on this one, different story. Anyway what happened is I clicked on the download link on the Yamaha site and when I went to the downloads folder the file was already unzipped and ready to install??. I did nothing regarding zip and that got me thinking something went wrong. I think it was Chris that gave me the exact byte count to compare and it was good.

I moved it to a clean SX900 formatted USB and had no problems with the update.

Actually I was expecting my kbd to update to a Genos but that didn't happen. ::) ::)

I'm running Catalina on my iMac and having issues with Finale. Apple support has not really been able to help me yet. I'm losing confidence with the 64-bit macOS. Sorry to hear about your issues, hope you get a solution. -Ed L.

Toril S

Problem solved. GREAT! Very happy :)
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page

Fred Smith

Glad we could help.

Hopefully it was worth all the time you spent, if only as a learning opportunity.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons