5 min in depth

Started by Wim, May 22, 2020, 07:03 PM

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I put this message here I think is alright.  It is about Thoralf Abgarjan. A German So  must write his name correctly. Dr  etc. He is a Yamaha programmer. I think he made a few of the multipads. He makes videos named 5 min in depth. I find ithem nteresting and maybe there are some amongst you too.
They are in English. Some in German, subtitled or later in English. I put a few links. the first is about aftertouch how to use the RH subtile and also how you can use the LH chord to get the effect in the RH voice.

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Second.  the STOP ACOMP


A tribute to Kraftwerk after one of the band members died recently


Followed by HOW to Play


There are more which you  find  at his Youtube site.



Dr Abgarjan has a web site:

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In dead forget to mentioned. At the page scroll down and you see  the small item Keyboard-Seminare. there are the different 5 min in depth's. Also some stuff from the CVP805.  And tricks how automatically stop Multipads.

By the way He is one off the programmers from the free Playlist Version 2.0. Some off them he shows how to play
