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Style Creator Bug on Yamaha psr Sx900

Started by rene1242, Apr 27, 2020, 02:32 PM

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I`ve been using style creator for quite a bit and my older generation of keyboards the s770-775 if i played a track and disabbled the touch all volume will be recorded at 95 but on the sx 900 even if the touch is disabled it still records as if im using the touch so notes will have different volumes ( ok you can arrange them one by one but its annoying and i think it should be fixed by yamaha via firmware update what do you think guys anyone experienced it ?


Hi Rene,

I think you're wrong, I did a lot of tests on my sx900 and the recording of style tracks works perfectly, with the touch or without the touch.
You may not be actually turning off Initial Touch.

When word fail, Music speaks!


Yes works OK for me to. Make sure you are turning the right touch setting off.


ok now i found out how it works exactly i have to disable the touch setting before going in style creator as my assignable touch button doesnt work when im in style creator  :-) But there still a bug the assignable buttons dont work in style creator


Yes it's a consistent "feature". Assignable buttons do not work in Style Creator in Genos either. Eg I need to use Direct Access instead to start up Mixer.
