Using Genos in Sonar. The Genos 103.ins file loads sounds without all effects.

Started by MusicMan, Apr 12, 2020, 05:51 AM

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I am using Genos in Sonar as a multitimbral sound source. I found a Sonar .ins file that has all the Genos sounds organized in banks: Genos103.ins

But I noticed that one of the patches I loaded: 70sSuitcasePan, loaded with the correct reverb amount just like it sounds on the Genos, but the it loaded without the panning effect.

Is there something I can do to make the Genos patches load and sound exactly like they do on the Genos, like with panning effects etc?

I tried adding these controllers to the event list with high values and the panning effect did not come on.
77 Vibrato Depth
91 Reverb Send Level
92 Tremolo Depth
93 Chorus Send Level
94 Variation Send Level

I tried loading a number patches using the .ins file and some of the patch's effects are missing.



Selecting a patch in SONAR (or any other DAW) will send the Bank Select and Program Change events to Genos only, nothing else. It is not that SOME effect settings are missing, ALL settings that are defined in the Voice Set are missing. BTW the same situation applies when you select a voice in the onboard Song Recorder, the Voice is changed ONLY, without any controller/effect settings. Be assured that there are lot of Control Changes / Sysex Events in those Voice Sets, so you will have a hard time programming these manually.

In contrast, if you record a song using the onboard Song Recorder, ALL of the settings will be written to the Song file. Therefore I strongly recommend that you use the onboard Song Recorder to record your song, then load it into Sonar and do the required editing.

If you're not happy to multitrack your song completely using the onboard sequencer, you could create a MIDI file template that contains the setup events for all channels you want to use. Just record a single note on each channel using the Genos voice desired for this channel. Save the file, import it into SONAR, then delete the single notes. Now record your tracks as you wish.

Regards, Michael


I use the same method when sequencing with Cubase and use Genos built in sequencer for setting up all the voices I want to use and then save it as a midi file. I then import the midi file to Cubase.  As Dromeus mention, most of the voice effects are stored as sysex messages, so it's important to use this method if you want to include the same effects.

The only issues I have found when recording only a single note and then stop the recording directly after, is that Genos seams to send a sysex message that turns the effects off directly when I stop the recording. This happened to me when using a guitar voice with distortion effects. I was able to find the sysex event that turned the effect off and just deleted this specific event.
Continuing  reordering on the internal sequencer throughout the whole song will also fix this, but will of cause take some extra time to do.
Now, I am not sure if this was something that was specific to this guitar effects or if the same thing happens with all of the effects that are using sysex.

Best regards
Welcome to Yamaha Beats. Genos and MODX covers on YouTube.


Thanks Dromeus and Jugge

It worked fine. I went to multi-record in Genos and then selected a Panel voice to record on channel 1. Then recorded a different voice on channel 2. Opened the song and in Sonar erased the notes and the voices had the same effects as on the Genos.

Where is the sysx data that contains the voice settings? I looked in the Event list and in the Sysx view in Sonar.

Thank you both for the excellent tip.


Quote from: MusicMan on Apr 13, 2020, 08:56 PM
Where is the sysx data that contains the voice settings? I looked in the Event list and in the Sysx view in Sonar.

Hi Musicman,

In Cubase, the Sysex data are placed on a separate track after the import of the midi file. (see attached picture). I imagine it would be the same with Sonar, but I am not sure.

Best regards

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Welcome to Yamaha Beats. Genos and MODX covers on YouTube.