Yamaha Genos V2.02 - Bugs, Problems And some shortcomings

Started by Zaurafon, Apr 05, 2020, 01:08 PM

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Yamaha Genos V2.02 - Bugs, Problems And some shortcomings

1. If you drop all the sliders down and restart the button you will see that all the parameters will be 100 except for Song A.

2. If you put two or three Insert effects in one voice and change a parameter to all effects and save it to the registration memory, you will see that it will save only the parameters from the last effect you have selected will reset to default Mode. That is, 40 as it originally was. This problem is valid from version 1.40 onwards. That is, the sound I saved before version 1.40 Everything works fine.

3. Does not store sounds in OTS with two or three Insert effects. That is, do I have to select a sound that does not have more than one effect to put it in OTS? I don't think that makes sense.

4. Drum Setup at Style Creator No more than 70 Drum Kits from Expansion. And what he brings out is in order. I have my own packages, I have purchased packages, and I have a lot of REX Files and I can't use them in Drum Setup. and it would be a good idea to put together a list search like the previous models. Imagine turning the washer until you find what you want.

4A. About the point 4, it also would be great to see a SAVE button on your edited drum kit. Maybe Yamaha could implement this function also in Song, Multipads and main panel. For example: when you select a Organ Flute voice, the Voice Edit tab call the drawbars page. So, when you select a drum voice, the Voice Edit tab could call the Drum Setup page with the ability to edit single parts and save your new drum set, that you can use everywere.

4B. There is also a small bug into the Drum Setup function: immediately after entering the Drum Setup page, the reverb activates itself without being able to adjust it.

4C. if possible, add 8 separate channels for REX2 files and correct the waveforms limit since the Maximum Number of Waveforms is 32768 When uploading to the YEM Drum Kit or REX File For some reason, it takes almost three times as much space as From real WaveForms. For example, if you created a Drum Kit in which there are 100 wave elements, then for some reason in YEM about 250 waveforms are created, of which 150 are empty junk files. You can do it as a simple Sample Voice No matter how much Wave Files you load on a single sound, a maximum of 8 waveforms is used.

5. I would like to create a style and use a mega voice bass to be able to write on a channel and Play and Slide Gliss And Noise which is in the upper octave after the C6 note. That is to say, if I write on one channel all that changing chord will change the top notes C6 And up While this should be a fix. As in the factory. The factory rhythms are so written while not allowing us to do so why?

6. We'd like to add us to Style Creator Different Signatures in any Variations. Or at least in Fills We can write at least 2 Measure.

7. To the style creator In the Assembly option We can copy Rhythm1-2 paste to any other bank of the same type and upside down.

8. Please add CASM Editor to Style Creator. Why not have the option of writing as factory rates are written?

9. The MP3 player from the first version to this day has problems. Example if I have say 100 songs in the stick from the 100 to 70 and they will appear in the Playlist And from those 70 again it will bug me in some songs.

10. We would like to add the Link Volume Level feature to the mixer. This would help us to mix the rhythms and songs quickly and correctly. That is, they happen to give me a rhythm that is written much louder than the factory rhythm; this would help to lower the sound quickly and efficiently.

11. In Scale Tune we would like Cent to go + -99. So that we can make sounds like Terca, for example. As it is now + -64 Except for the Arabic ladder it doesn't help us in anything.

12. Add to the MultiPad Creator, the Quantize option. As it would be great for Style Creator to add the export To MultiPad option to one of the channels.

13. We can set the Volume on each Pad separately in MultiPads. As is the case with Audio Link MultiPad. In MultiPads Change EQ parameters. The Insert effects feature. And the option in the settings can work as a start stop on the Pads. That is, the first push plays the Pad, the second push stops the Pad.

14. We'd like to voice in Legato Portamento in Poly Mode. This helps in the Reality of the violin. As an example of Oriental Strings.
And Fix Portamento Time In Crossfade Mode. That is when you have Portamento Time Indicator 0 There is a great Timing Between the two notes, While it should normally pass faster and sharply.

15. Make editing option among Insert effects. That is, if I have put in two or three effects in a sound and want to change parameters in one of the effects, I first have to close the effect and reopen it so that I can select it. Otherwise I can only tease out the last effect I have added to Echo. In a nutshell if I want to go back to the first effect I've added and edit a parameter I need to get Mixer, effects, Assign Part Settings, find the effect I want to edit, close it and reopen it so I can tease after the parameters)))

16. Add the option when in home mode We can set the washer where we want it. Example BPM tempo shift. Why do I press the tempo button first and then turn the washer?

Yamaha Expansion Manager v2.6.0

17. Add Element Copy Paste From Another Voice. That is, I have a sound ready and I want to get an Element And put it in another sound that I make to not load the samples again An One.

18. Why can't I edit Rom Sounds? Example to Change Note Range Ή to Change Velocity Range? That I could tease up to PSR 9000, Tyros1-2-4 Here's why I can't do these things?

19. And I would add Sample Edit, Loop Edit. Just examples I have some sounds that have not been set Right or Loops, How can I fix if I don't have the original samples In SF2 format or Wave, AIFF?))) In Motif and Montage Again there is good John Melas. Who will help us here?)))
Let's add at least export In SF2 format So we can do something.

20. I would like to add the Note Relase feature. That is, letting the note reproduce the sound. This exists in factory sounds because it doesn't exist in users?

21. We want to define the Elements The Art 1-2-3 buttons. Why Do I Have Three Useless Buttons When Using User Sounds?

Audio Phraser v1.0.1

22. Fill in & Break Not work correctly

23. A function to create/edit Arpeggios. Have them independent for the various voices R1/R2/R3 would be great!

24. Not working the sustain pental on Style Creator, (unacceptable)

25. In the Audio Chanel there is not EQ..

26. When we record any part in an Audio Style that we have created with the Audio phraser, when we try to quantize the part is not on time.


Bravo Zauri!!
Exelent list!!!
This is really problems that need to be solved and not fixed problems like (the indication lamps MIDI indicator on the Mixer display would not work)..
24) Not working the sustain pental on Style Creator, (unacceptable)  >:(

25) In the Audio Chanel there is not EQ..

26) When we record any part in an Audio Style that we have created with the Audio phraser, when we try to quantize the part is not on time.


If you are serious about these improvements then I hope you have sent this list  to Yamaha direct.
  It dose no good putting it on here unless you follow up with reporting it to Yamaha.


Quote from: EileenL on Apr 06, 2020, 07:10 AM
If you are serious about these improvements then I hope you have sent this list  to Yamaha direct.
  It dose no good putting it on here unless you follow up with reporting it to Yamaha.

In my opinion, Yamaha is not serious about its consumers. I sent this list to them several times, but unfortunately I did not receive any response. Therefore, I posted this list of the court so that other users confirm and write a complaint to yamaha


The only way that Yamaha paid attention to its users, and to these Problems. If all users redirect this list (and add their own) to Yamaha suport, then I think this will help solve all the Problems.


If anyone has doubts about my list, then this is easy to check; just turn on the keyboard and check all the items described above. Also do not forget to check the program YEM & Audio Phraser

Fred Smith

Quote from: Zaurafon on Apr 06, 2020, 07:16 AM
In my opinion, Yamaha is not serious about its consumers. I sent this list to them several times, but unfortunately I did not receive any response. Therefore, I posted this list of the court so that other users confirm and write a complaint to yamaha

I disagree. If Yamaha didn't listen to their customers, they wouldn't be selling anything. However, customers are diverse, and Yamaha has limited resources.

Frankly, there are lots of other things I would like to see Yamaha working on than any on your list.

If you think Yamaha is so bad, why are you using their product?

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Quote from: Fred Smith on Apr 06, 2020, 11:10 AM
I disagree. If Yamaha didn't listen to their customers, they wouldn't be selling anything. However, customers are diverse, and Yamaha has limited resources.

Frankly, there are lots of other things I would like to see Yamaha working on than any on your list.

If you think Yamaha is so bad, why are you using their product?

If it sells well in your country, this does not mean that it sells well everywhere. I can confidently say that in the Balkan East and Caucasus countries it is sold very poorly in these regions, there are a lot of countries, open the map and see Believe in these countries more than 90% use it with Korg, since the functionality there is very large And there are no restrictions. why do I use Yamaha? Reason for this only  sound and the converters that stand on it.

Toril S

Most people do not use all these complex features anyway.
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.


Toril's PSR Performer Page


Quote from: Toril S on Apr 06, 2020, 03:58 PM
Most people do not use all these complex features anyway.
Well, why does everyone have such thinking? The fact that most people do not use all these complex functions does not mean that all this is superfluous. Let's cross out the playlist button or midi player Vocal Harmony. And there are still many different functions that I don't use. They are not needed for me. All that is listed above is necessary for those who create sounds & Styles. Are there people who use only one sound, for example, a piano, do you have to remove all buttons and all other functions as sounds and leave only the on off button of the piano instrument?


Guys, let's be objective if someone doesn't need these functions, just don't pay attention to the post and scroll further with all due respect

Gunnar Jonny

Quote from: Francesco Massa on Apr 06, 2020, 05:00 PM
........ Francesco

Good points Francesco,
and in addition to what you say, there is also a line at the bottom of the 'what's done' list: -Fixed other problems.
We never know what the problems that's fixed is, but it's probably worth to run the updates from Yamaha before we complaint about what's not working properly ...... 😊
Cheers & Happy Playing. 🍷 🎶🎵
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)


The first item in my post is this bug. Present from version 2.0. As I said, I contacted Yamaha. Several times after that, two versions 2.01 & 2.02 came out. But they still did not fix this error.

The second item, this bug appeared on version 1.40. After that, they released version 1.41, v2.00 v2.01, v2.02. But the problem has not been fixed. I have some sounds that I saved in Registration Memory up to version 1.40. They still work Correctly.
MP3 player from the first version has problems, it just may not represent half the songs.
I have a question. and why before asking questions just do not turn on the Genos and go through all these points and check yourself?


Yamaha call Genos as (Digital Workstation), and not just (Arranger Player).
However Yamaha called Tyros 5 as (ultimate performance keyboard)..
(In Tyros5 Yamaha has created the ultimate performance keyboard)..
Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login
When call a product as Digital Workstation it's different thing from (ultimate performance keyboard)..
With Workstation we can to create music without the need of different piece of equipment.
A music workstation is an electronic musical instrument providing the facilities of:
a sound module,
a music sequencer and
(usually) a musical keyboard.
It enables a musician to compose electronic music using just one piece of equipment. (wikipedia)

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So.. Can this happen on Genos?..
Yamaha with Genos addresses in the music producer:
(Welcome to the new world of Digital Workstations. Genos is the new benchmark in Digital Workstation sound, design and user experience.Whether you are in a recording studio or on stage, Genos will inspire and intensify your musical creation and performance.)
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Yamaha is calling the music creator to create music or sound design with Genos, but without the appropriate tools that needs the Music producers or Sound and Style designers..
Therefore... When a company calls something as Digital Workstation then it is not enough just to name as Workstation but to be Workstation..

And please attention to the difference: It's a different thing to performance music and different to produce music or sound and style design..
For performance music Genos is very good...
But for produce music, or sound and style design Genos it's very poor...

My opinion is that Genos it's not a Workstation (until today) but a Arranger player, with top quality sound..
Genos it has the top quality of sound on the world and for this reason I insist and I will insist and I will try to create despite the  limitations...
I am happy with sound quality of Genos..
I am not happy with capabilities of Genos..

And I will be a complaint here:
I reads this forum every day...
Many times I reads various complaints from several of you about some problems or limitations with Genos...
I respect and we respect all your views and concerns...
But neither I nor anyone else said:
Since I don't use them then they don't need to...
So why do some people do this to us when we also we expose some limitations or problems??....

P.S.. Sorry for my bad English...

John T4



Quote from: Zaurafon on Apr 06, 2020, 08:12 AM
The only way that Yamaha paid attention to its users, and to these Problems. If all users redirect this list (and add their own) to Yamaha suport, then I think this will help solve all the Problems.

For my information, what is the e-mail contact of Yamaha support for the Genos product ?

I'm a newbee, but as far I understand the world of the arrangers, the arrangers are made mainly for an 'average' player, with no negative connotation.
For advanced players/musicians, there are always many features missing.

Another thing to considerate, for about 4000 bucks we pay the Genos, we can honestly, from Yamaha, wait for fixing/enhancing many features which don't require very much time in developpement. Many items of your list are examples.

Yamaha Genos - Focusrite Scarlett 18i20- Behringer FCB1010 - AKG K92
Genosman Music


Quote from: Luluc on Apr 07, 2020, 11:28 AM
For my information, what is the e-mail contact of Yamaha support for the Genos product ?

I'm a newbee, but as far I understand the world of the arrangers, the arrangers are made mainly for an 'average' player, with no negative connotation.
For advanced players/musicians, there are always many features missing.

Another thing to considerate, for about 4000 bucks we pay the Genos, we can honestly, from Yamaha, wait for fixing/enhancing many features which don't require very much time in developpement. Many items of your list are examples.



Unfortunately, each region has its own service center directly from Yamaha, you can't get in touch with this and the whole problem is we don't know what comes to the developers and what doesn't come from what we ask. You said correctly for $ 4000 Genos Must have all the features of Montage. Which costs $ 1,500 Cheaper than Genos. Into the account of MoDX It's better not to say at all which you can buy for 1000 € In which you can do almost everything in Montage.


EU Support of Yamaha is Germany support team, which in my opinion was every time subjective, and they also does not know a lot of things.  :-X

Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzi9PPrMTjN8_zX9P9kelxg

Vali Maties - Genos


if possible, add 8 separate channels for REX2 files and correct the waveforms limit since the Maximum Number of Waveforms is 32768 When uploading to the YEM Drum Kit or REX File For some reason, it takes almost three times as much space as From real WaveForms. For example, if you created a Drum Kit in which there are 100 wave elements, then for some reason in YEM about 250 waveforms are created, of which 150 are empty junk files. You can do it as a simple Sample Voice No matter how much Wave Files you load on a single sound, a maximum of 8 waveforms is used.


Quote from: Sokratis1974 on Apr 07, 2020, 02:18 AM
Yamaha call Genos as (Digital Workstation), and not just (Arranger Player).
However Yamaha called Tyros 5 as (ultimate performance keyboard)..
(In Tyros5 Yamaha has created the ultimate performance keyboard)..
Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login
When call a product as Digital Workstation it's different thing from (ultimate performance keyboard)..
With Workstation we can to create music without the need of different piece of equipment.
A music workstation is an electronic musical instrument providing the facilities of:
a sound module,
a music sequencer and
(usually) a musical keyboard.
It enables a musician to compose electronic music using just one piece of equipment. (wikipedia)

Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login

So.. Can this happen on Genos?..
Yamaha with Genos addresses in the music producer:
(Welcome to the new world of Digital Workstations. Genos is the new benchmark in Digital Workstation sound, design and user experience.Whether you are in a recording studio or on stage, Genos will inspire and intensify your musical creation and performance.)
Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login

Yamaha is calling the music creator to create music or sound design with Genos, but without the appropriate tools that needs the Music producers or Sound and Style designers..
Therefore... When a company calls something as Digital Workstation then it is not enough just to name as Workstation but to be Workstation..

And please attention to the difference: It's a different thing to performance music and different to produce music or sound and style design..
For performance music Genos is very good...
But for produce music, or sound and style design Genos it's very poor...

My opinion is that Genos it's not a Workstation (until today) but a Arranger player, with top quality sound..
Genos it has the top quality of sound on the world and for this reason I insist and I will insist and I will try to create despite the  limitations...
I am happy with sound quality of Genos..
I am not happy with capabilities of Genos..

And I will be a complaint here:
I reads this forum every day...
Many times I reads various complaints from several of you about some problems or limitations with Genos...
I respect and we respect all your views and concerns...
But neither I nor anyone else said:
Since I don't use them then they don't need to...
So why do some people do this to us when we also we expose some limitations or problems??....

P.S.. Sorry for my bad English...


Well said Sokratis1974
Curent Instruments:  PSR A-5000
Previus instruments:SX-900,GENOS,PSR-A3000,PSR9000,Tyros2,Tyros3,TYROS5,psr2000,psr2100,psr1500,psr530,psr OR700,DX7,DX11,V50,DX21.
KORG:pa800,KORG PA-900,Triton Extreme,Triton rack,.KORG X3,Roland G600.Roland


I would also fill in some important shortcomings:
1. Lack of Function "(+) and (-)" OCTAVE "on each track in the STYLE arranger.
2. The arranger does not interpret on the 8 tracks instruments with MONO-LEGATO and MONO-POLY.
3. The 16 tracks in Style are insufficient for several chord variants (for example at Korg they are called CVs and it has 6 variants on each variation, the markings are stringed, at yamaha they are superimposed) if they are still superimposed at least 32 tracks to allow more overlaps and the result of more variations of different agreements, I think they understand what they are saying because they are great engineers and Yamaha has some connections with Korg, I do not want to believe that they are based on the same shareholders, the same owners, and that these I do it intentionally to sell both brands ... or maybe I guessed it! Why do some KORG models have Yamaha parts and keyboards?


Quote from: iulistil2 on May 02, 2020, 02:55 AM

1. Lack of Function "(+) and (-)" OCTAVE "on each track in the arranger.

This function already exists with the Yamahe arranger, I think since '98.  ;)

Watch my video channel


Quote from: ckobu on May 02, 2020, 03:32 AM
This function already exists with the Yamahe arranger, I think since '98.  ;)


To their shame in Style there is no such trivial function! Other brands have always existed! In order to raise or lower an octave in Style you have to run with it (the style) in the computer which is a rather cumbersome work and requires extra time! (I didn't say song or UPPER, I was referring strictly to Style but our friend didn't understand what I meant).


@iulistil2 - Obviously you didn't watch the video I posted in the link. If you look at it I hope you will realize that you live in great ignorance and delusion.  ;)
Watch my video channel


Quote from: ckobu on May 02, 2020, 10:38 AM
@iulistil2 - Obviously you didn't watch the video I posted in the link. If you look at it I hope you will realize that you live in great ignorance and delusion.  ;)

The High Key / Note Limit function is completely different, moreover you have to enter Style Creator, it's not the same thing I ask for! Thanks for the tutorial this was no secret to me, I ask real time function is completely different and Yamaha although it is my favorite has a lot of fixed ideas!


Quote from: Francesco Massa on May 02, 2020, 12:44 PM
iulistil2, do you mean a simply Octave + - function for each channel in mixer? I think it's a good idea and not so hard to implement on software. I often find voices that sound in a different octave and listen to the result in real-time would be great.

Exact! That's what all other brands have always had! That's how Korg, Roland, Generalmusic and others have it, but Yamaha, as it stands, doesn't really listen to us, those of us who love it, these simple functions should be implemented because it's not difficult at all! A good day!


So to be as clear as possible: I love Yamaha but let's face it there are things that don't intentionally want to implement it!

Fred Smith

Quote from: iulistil2 on May 02, 2020, 12:52 PM
So to be as clear as possible: I love Yamaha but let's face it there are things that don't intentionally want to implement it!

As their resources are limited, every company sets priorities based on what it thinks will appeal to the widest number of consumers. Otherwise, they'd go out of business. I'd rather Yamaha stay in business.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Quote from: Francesco Massa on May 02, 2020, 12:44 PM
iulistil2, do you mean a simply Octave + - function for each channel in mixer? I think it's a good idea and not so hard to implement on software. I often find voices that sound in a different octave and listen to the result in real-time would be great. ...

Hi Francesco,

The problem here would be where to SAVE this parameter, I think.

Such an "Octave Offset" parameter for Style Parts cannot be saved directly to the Style file, I guess. So, this would be a "playback option" only and it could probably only memorized to Registrations.

If there was such an option (for simple octave shifting) in the current style file format, Yamaha would have already implemented this in the keyboards.

I myself consider the current method (restricting the range of notes played to ABSOLUTE values with "High Key", "Note Limit Low / High parameters) in principle to be sufficient or even better, since with a "normal" octave shift a Style Part may sound too high or too low, depending on the key played.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi Chris :

Are all these Genos complaints justified ... I am confused.

Nowadays the new SX serie seems to be a very successful commercial keyboard for Yamaha though ... but ... what about the Genos ?

Kind regards,