Want to open Genos to fix start/stop key - need advise

Started by Al Ram, Apr 05, 2020, 12:44 PM

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Al Ram

Hello Friends

Hope you are all doing fine as well as your families.

It looks like the Genos start/stop key is not working.   When i press the start/stop nothing happens.
For example if playing with a Style, press the start/stop and it does not stop the style.

In fact, i was trying to upgrade the firmware but it is not reading the GENOSSETUP.PRG file because the start/stop is not working.  Therefore the sequence for firmware upgrade cannot start.

Normally, i would take the keyboard to the Yamaha approved maintenance person.   In this situation, it is not possible right now . . . and it will probably be a couple of months . . . .

So, i will attempt to open the Genos myself and perhaps the button is just not making contact or something simple like that.

I searched the forum for maybe a post that someone already done this, i also searched Youtube for instructions on how to open up the keyboard and replace the start/stop key.  I could only find this video below, unfortunately for me I do not understand the language and could not find any way to translate it to English.


Even if i do not understand the language i can see the sequence to open the keyboard but do not want to maybe miss an important tip or detail because of language issues.

So, if anyone knows of another video with instructions (in English or Spanish) on how to open Genos please let me know.

If you have any suggestions i will appreciate it.

thanks in advance.
San Diego/Tijuana


It can be 3 things..

- the actual button
- the electronics behind the knob
- corrupted software

Good luck solving this on your own..

If possible, i would advise you to visit an official service centre of Yamaha.

Al Ram

thanks so much for your reply.

Right now it is not possible to visit a Yamaha official center or any other place.  Over here, we have strict orders to not get out and everything is closed.

Thanks again.
San Diego/Tijuana


Remember you can program one of the A-F keys for start/stop. This doesn't fix your problem but will keep you going until the service centre is availablle.

This won't let you install 2.02 but if you have 2.0 then it's just small fixes, no new features.

Al Ram

I appreciate your advise.  Your are correct.   One of the A-F can be programmed to Start/stop.

Unfortunately, i use registrations all over the place, the current registrations do not have the Start/stop programmed to an A-F, therefore, when loading an existing registration, it loads whatever was previously programmed in the A-F functions.

But it is a good Idea.

The sync/Start also lets me do the same function to stop styles, etc. 

You are also correct that the 2.02 has no new features (for me at least) to compel an immediate upgrade. 

My Genos is already out of warranty . . .  so, I will think about opening it anyway. 


San Diego/Tijuana

Toril S

Abby Pianoman opened his Genos, and made a video. But I do not remember what thread it was. Maybe you could ask him to send it to you? Good luck!!
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.


Toril's PSR Performer Page


you have to replace the full set i had this when my style d variation button went it is not an easy job and you would have to order from Yamaha or send it to your Yamaha repair centre as you Genos will be under warranty :)


Hello Al.

Sorry to hear about your problem.

I had opened opened up my Genos last  September or October to fix a key which had been dislocated.

I posted instructions on how to open up the Genos sometime in that period.
Check my posts from that period and you'll find them there.
I only got as far as fixing the dislocated key though.

I feel that it won't be too difficult if one is willing to take the plunge and just do it, while being very careful.
I would advise you to take pictures during each step of the way, to be able to reverse the process once you're done.

Good luck.

Best Regards,


PS: Having read Tyrosman's comments above, maybe it would be better to follow his advice.
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Roger Brenizer

Hi Al,

The following is a link to Abby's topic:

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I hope this helps you.  :)
"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

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Quote from: Al Ram on Apr 05, 2020, 05:09 PM
Unfortunately, i use registrations all over the place, the current registrations do not have the Start/stop programmed to an A-F, therefore, when loading an existing registration, it loads whatever was previously programmed in the A-F functions.

You could use the Freeze feature, with just "Assignable Buttons" selected.  That would keep the A-F the same across all registrations.  Of course, it might be that you change your assignments on a song-by-song basis, so that won't help.

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This is the official instruction of opening up Genos.

Good luck,

Al Ram

thanks a lot.  i will try that. 

great picture . . . this is what i was looking for . . . I appreciate it ..

will try it.

San Diego/Tijuana


Hi Al,

in this thread I recently posted a picture of the Genos with the Upper Case lifted up:

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Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)

Al Ram


thanks a lot. 

I saw the pic ..  i also read your comment indicating it may not be that easy as it may look  . . . . so . . . I am having second thoughts . . . .  thanks

Quote from: overover on Aug 13, 2019, 05:52 PM
Hi Steve,

thanks for your detailed feedback!

The knobs and dials do NOT need to be removed, but you have to remove 28 screws (and many other screws MUST NOT be removed!)

Then the Upper Case can be lifted up. (The red mark in the picture is the Wi-Fi adaptor.)

You can PM me, then I will send you detailed information about disassambling/reassembling the Genos Upper/Lower Case. (It is not quite as easy as it may look in the picture ... ;))

Best regards,
San Diego/Tijuana


Quote from: Al Ram on Apr 06, 2020, 04:23 PM

thanks a lot. 

I saw the pic ..  i also read your comment indicating it may not be that easy as it may look  . . . . so . . . I am having second thoughts . . . .  thanks

Hi Al,

the Style Start / Stop switch is located on the "PNL Circuit Board" of the Genos. It is NOT that easy to remove this board. (See attached pictures.)

IF you really want to do this repair by yourself, you should have the Genos Service Manual. If you need more detailed information, feel free to PM me. :)

P.S. I recommend you to have also a look at this video (Tyros5 repair by Markus Fuller):


Starting from time position 7:35, he removes the PNL board. But on Tyros5 this is much easier: On Genos, you have to remove the MIC and AJACK boards first ...

Best regards,

[attachment deleted by admin]
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)

Rick D.


Where does one buy a Genos repair manual. I can't seem to find one online.

Rick D.

Gunnar Jonny

The Service Manual would be worth gold the day something stop working.....
hopefully that day is light-years ahead. 👌
Cheers & Happy Playing. 🍷 🎶🎵
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)

Al Ram


thanks a lot for the additional info.  Based on your comments, i think this is probably beyond my skills.  I will just probably wait until i have a chance to bring it to an approved repair center . . .

For the rest . . . .

Here is what happened . . . . 
Recently Yamaha approved to replace several buttons under the warranty.   One of the replaced was the 'sync start'  which is part of the 3-set that includes the 'start/stop' and the 'sync stop'. 

Yamaha provided me with a list of repair people approved by Yamaha, these are sub-contractors that bill their work to Yamaha.     The guy that replaced the stuff is a nice guy but i think he left somethings kind of loose . . . . 

Like the sliders were kind of tight . . . i had to push a bit harder than usual . . . to re-accomodate . . they are ok now . . .

I think that he may not have connected the 'Start/Stop' button properly and i thought it would be easy for me to just go in and maybe push it all the way or something like that.

I have a workable solution for now . . . .  I will contact Yamaha tomorrow (not sure if they will answer) and maybe get another approval to take the keyboard back if/when possible . . .

thanks again.

San Diego/Tijuana


Quote from: Rick D. on Apr 06, 2020, 05:36 PM

Where does one buy a Genos repair manual. I can't seem to find one online.

Rick D.

For the USA, I have this information:

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Yamaha generally does not recommend to repair keyboards yourself. The Service Manuals are usually only available for the technicians of authorized Yamaha Service Centers.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me via PM.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Quote from: Al Ram on Apr 06, 2020, 06:29 PM
... Recently Yamaha approved to replace several buttons under the warranty.   One of the replaced was the 'sync start'  which is part of the 3-set that includes the 'start/stop' and the 'sync stop'. 

Yamaha provided me with a list of repair people approved by Yamaha, these are sub-contractors that bill their work to Yamaha.     The guy that replaced the stuff is a nice guy but i think he left somethings kind of loose . . . . 

Like the sliders were kind of tight . . . i had to push a bit harder than usual . . . to re-accomodate . . they are ok now . . .

I think that he may not have connected the 'Start/Stop' button properly and i thought it would be easy for me to just go in and maybe push it all the way or something like that. ...

Hi Al,

thank you for your quick reply!

The switches of e.g. the Style "Start / Stop" or "Sync Start" buttons are soldered directly to the PNL Printed Circuit Board. There is no "cable" that could be loose. Either the switch itself could be defective, or it is a "cold" solder joint. IF an internal connector would be loose, MULTIPLE buttons would be affected because the connections of the buttons are designed as a MATRIX circuit.

I strongly recommend contacting Yamaha in this case.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)

Al Ram

Thanks Chris

based on your explanation and recommendation i will just wait until it is possible to contact Yamaha.

thanks again
San Diego/Tijuana