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drop in record

Started by mikf, Mar 29, 2020, 11:32 PM

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I am trying to edit a section of a midi I made using drop in / out record. It used to be so easy on my old PSR 3k, but darned if I can see how to do it on the CVP 705. I think its possible that the Genos touch screen and method might be similar, so can someone enlighten me?  Of course, maybe it just can't be done on the CVP, certainly no mention in the manual.


If you mean 'Punch In/Out', have a look at the section 'Re-recording a Specific Section of the MIDI Song — Punch In/Out', starting on page 83 of the 'CVP-709/CVP-705 Reference Manual' (not the 'Owner's Manual').

You can download this from your local Yamaha Support site if necessary.




Thanks Ian, I should be fine now.


Interesting Ian, I just looked at the reference manual, and I had never thought of going into sub  menu item 'song setting'. Seems clear now. It also caused me to take a deeper look at some of the other functions, and I never fail to be astonished at the range of adjustment and control functions available on these instruments.


I always use the PDF version of the manuals.

You can then use your PDF reader's 'Find' function (Ctrl+F) to search a manual and easily find things, instead of relying on Yamaha's typically hopeless 'Index'  ::)   This often does not include the topic that you are looking for, even when there is adequate information in the manual!  What do Yamaha expect customers to do?  Read (and memorise) the whole manual from cover to cover!  :o

That said, in this case 'Punch In/Out' is included the CVP Reference Manual index.  However for the PSR3000, even though there is a similar section about 'Punch In/Out' in its Owner's Manual (starting on page 157), and the procedure is called the same, there is no entry for it in the so called 'Index'!

