Free Steinberg Cubase Elements 10.5 and more in their #StayAtHome, pack

Started by XeeniX, Apr 02, 2020, 09:01 AM

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I've received an email from Steinberg (Yamaha) with a nice offer to download free licensed content. I am not entirely sure but it looks like they are letting new users create a steinberg id as well after which they can probably make use of this offer as well. Would be nice if someone could confirm this?

Anyway for those who did not receive an e-mail (not subscribed to their newsletter) and to those who want to try:

Cubase Elements 10.5 (music creation midi/sequencer etc.)
Wavelab Elements 10 (audio editing and mastering)
Dorico Elements 3 (music notation)
Absolute 4 (HUGE 100Gb+ VST pack with 6800+ presets)

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As said, I already downloaded the entire pack (128Gb) and I am busy with installing. You do not need to download it all you can download just what you want or need btw. As said not sure if it will work for those that do not already have a Steinberg ID/licensed product but it can't hurt to try :)

good luck,


It seems you can get all the things mentioned above even if you are completely new to Steinberg's software but most of it, if not al,l with a 60 days trial license.

Not sure if my already licensed Elements 9 now is permanently upgraded to 10.5 or if it will return to the v9 after these 60 days. But I think anyone can download and try them. They are fully usable as in no limitations. I did get the 60 trial license remark when starting Wavelab Elements and Dorico Elements only. All other programs just started and didn't mention anything about being temporary working.

Even if it is only temporarily available/working (60 days) this software pack is really fun to play with (standalone groove agent, the grand 3 and HALion 6 content for example) and in that case still a nice gesture to keep us busy and hopefully inside that way helping to battle this world crisis.  And from their point of view a way to maybe gain some new customers that got hooked playing with these new toys :)
