Yamaha PSR S775 registrations to music finder

Started by Mr. Gary, Mar 31, 2020, 06:53 AM

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Mr. Gary

I have been successful in adding song registrations to music finder but only as a single file., that is when I try to add a file with more than one registration music finder only accepts the first one.  As an example I have numbers 1 to 7 registered for 'Another day in paradise', but only registration 1 is logged into music finder, any help most appreciated.

Graham UK

Mr Gary. The reason is registrations can't be saved in MusicFinder as you have now found out.
MF only saves a Style with the OTS setting etc: and saved with a song name.

Save your RGT's to HD or USB.




Deleted text .... sorry I was thinking you had an SX

Dick Rector

Murray Best program wil do that for you. Downloadable from this site. It can convert RGT to Music finder or the other way around.
PSR-2000 and PSR-S950