Back up and restore on a different SX900 with same firmware

Started by Linson, Jun 18, 2020, 11:38 AM

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Hello Friends,
Can we able to do full back up of SX900 and restore on a different SX900 on a same firmware version?  Does this work or cause any problem? Anybody tried it? Thoughts please?
Thank you.


But why???  I am intrigued as to what this would achieve and why you might want to do this .

When i had my SX replaced recently i just reloaded all my files by usb i had on my other one.
I back my user stuff up regular to usb in case of crash/breakdown and did a firmware update first on the replacement unit before i loaded the duplicate files.



Quote from: Linson on Jun 18, 2020, 11:38 AM
Hello Friends,
Can we able to do full back up of SX900 and restore on a different SX900 on a same firmware version?  Does this work or cause any problem? Anybody tried it? Thoughts please?
Thank you.
I can`t see why not, but I can be wrong.  Follow!


Thank you Keith and Ignar. Two of us has purchased same Keyboard recently and wanted to share. we have settings for various songs for different languages. So we just checking with the experts, whether we can share the backups or not.. Technically, it should work right?, but I don't know if there are any risks or problems and someone already ran into problems.
Best Regards,


Forgot to add, we both are coming from Korg world. This is something we are learning..


I cant imagine in this case it would be a problem, surely it is possible to duplicate the files and simply translate the language when copied to the 2nd board . Although i am no expert, that is the route i would take.

Sure you will get others who give you different possible options if you maybe wait for further replies.


ps. of course you will not be able to copy/share files which are protected, ie files which are sold by Yamaha for use/loaded to one keyboard only.