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Started by rgw, Mar 31, 2020, 02:08 PM

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Does anyone know if you can play the keyboard through bluetooth speakers.



No Richard you cant .... ironically mentioned in other post re 'improving SX'

You can input, Phone, tablets etc. but not output

I don't think Yamaha are alone on this function - there is of course a natural delay ....they call it 'latency' so it can impede all instruments where touch and instant sound is required. No doubt they will fix this at some point, well with further Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login the future, I dont know??

I had earphone buds for Xmas ( output obvoiously again ) and was looking forward to using those.... pity it's a no go



Latency is normal with bluetooth or wifi speakers, and this is not noticeable for most functions where they are used. But live playing using headphones or speakers is an area where it would matter. It would be OK for playback, but typically not for live playing. You can buy bluetooth transmitters that plug into the speaker output and would connect to bluetooth speakers, but not advisable anyway for live playing.
I have heard that there are wireless headphones around that are not bluetooth, but have their own wireless transmitter/receiver and have no noticeable latency, but never heard of any wireless speakers that are not either bluetooth or wifi. But they may exist. 

Rick D.

I have found that each note you play, is treated like an on and off event in Bluetooth. This is what makes noticing the latency worse then if you just played a WAV file.
I don't know if they will ever be able to fix that, we shall see.

Rick D.


That is not the reason. Bluetooth signals are compressed and there is processing/send/receive time. The reason this is not noticeable with a stream of audio is because you have no timing event for comparison. That is the whole stream may be received a fraction after it is sent but you cannot tell. But when you play a note on a keyboard you know when it is sent and it is natural for you to expect to hear it simultaneously. When there is even a small fraction of a second delay you notice. People who have played pipe organs will have had to learn to deal with this kind of sound delay, and it's not easy.


before giving it away, I tried an older surround sound system, with my s950. The bass speaker was plugged directly into the keyboard out, but the L/R speakers were wireless  ( Bluetooth? I think, Not sure) either way totally useless for live play, the latency was really noticeable. I thought maybe I was doing something wrong, and gave up.

Sort of good to know it may not have been me after all, either way, my son got himself a surround sound setup.
Best wishes
Korg PA5X 88 note
SX 900
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