Sonar Ins file for Genos

Started by MusicMan, Mar 25, 2020, 07:30 PM

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I am exploring the use of Genos as a multi-timbral sound module in Sonar.
I downloaded a Genos ".ins" file from Jørgen Sørensen's site. It has lots of great bank categories.
It would be nice to have a Genos ".Ins" file that listed voices the way they are listed in the Genos interface.
".Ins" files can only contain 128 patches per bank, so banks could conceivably be organized like Piano 1, Piano 2, Piano 3, etc., E Piano 1, 2, 3, etc., Organ 1, 2, 3 etc., Accordian 1,2 etc

Does anyone have of any other Genos ". ins" files available for download?
Does anyone know how to generate Sonar ".ins" files for expansion voices?


Hey MusicMan,

I too am in the same boat, although I am using Reaper Daw.
Have you had any luck finding a good .ins file?


Hi MusicMan,
hi Floodie,

on Heiko Plate's website you can download a different ins file for Genos ("genos103.ins"):

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Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Quote from: Floodie on Apr 10, 2020, 06:41 AM
Hey MusicMan,

I too am in the same boat, although I am using Reaper Daw.
Have you had any luck finding a good .ins file?

HI Floodie

I looked into the ins file thing and it's not possible to do what I would like to do which is to create banks of sound categories that match the Panel sounds. A sound bank in an ins file can only send one bank change message per bank and each sound category in Genos are compiled from multiple banks.

On studying the Genos 103.ins file, it is actually very well organized into numbered  banks  in consecutive numerical order. I just learned Sonar bank numbers for each Genos patch are computed by multiplying the msb number by 128 and then you add the LSB number to that. That's why the bank numbers in the Geno 103. Ins file have numbers like 63316.

After learned how this all works, I created a list of the Sonar bank numbers for each Genos patch in Excel. So now the Genos 103.ins file makes perfect sense.

But I won't be able to create the kind of bank categories I would like to.

The way I am now using the Genos103. Ins file in Sonar is. I look up the bank number for the Genos patch I want in the Excel spreadsheet. Then I load that bank into the midi channel in Sonar and the patch is in that bank for me to select it.

Dromeus's method is easier. Use a patch browser with text search if there is a patch browser in Reaper. You'll need to assign a Genos instrument definition to the midi channel(s) you are working with. Sorry, I don't know how Reaper handle instrument definitions or patch lists.


You may append the category to the voice name in the instrument definition, e.g. 70sSuitcaseAmped [E.Piano]. In SONAR use then the text search in the patch browser. Searching for [E.Piano] will list all voices in this category.
Regards, Michael


Quote from: Dromeus on Apr 12, 2020, 10:25 AM
You may append the category to the voice name in the instrument definition, e.g. 70sSuitcaseAmped [E.Piano]. In SONAR use then the text search in the patch browser. Searching for [E.Piano] will list all voices in this category.

I studied the Genos103.Ins file. Whoever created it, did an excellent job. Nearly every patch in the patch lists has a consistent category listed in parentheses after each patch name. I  copied the patch lists to Excel. Used text to columns to separate the categories into a separate list. Then I used Microsoft Access to remove duplicates from the list. I can now pick items from the categories list to do text searches in Sonar's Patch Browser.

Problem solved.

Thank You

