4/3 Styles with a pirate theme

Started by creativesamurai, Mar 29, 2020, 11:10 PM

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Hey everyone. I'm looking for a 3/4 style similar to an irish style but with a pirate theme. Something like this

I hope you can help. Thank you

Jean-Pierre 33

Hello Creativesamurai,

The style "MovieSoundtrack" goes very well for "Pirate" of the Caribbean". It is present on most Yamaha keyboards in the "Movie and Show" category. Its basic tempo is 182, you just have to slow it down a bit.

My version of "Pirates of the Caribbean" is there: Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login

Have a good day

Best regards


Hi there and think you for your reply. Took me a while to find my post as I think it was moved lol. I dont think I have that style on my tyros 2. I shall keep looking :) And your cover was very nicely played


Hi creativesamurai,

For the movie soundtrack style that is in the Movie & Show folder,you can download the:
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382 styles.

for Tyros 2, from here:

Covers on Youtube (live playing)
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Jean-Pierre 33

Hello Creativesamurai,

You will be able to download the MovieSoundtrack style at:

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It should work fine with your Tyros 2

Have fun.

Best regards


Thank you everyone for you helpful reply's :) i shall take a look.