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Master Eq

Started by musicalmemoriesuk, Dec 08, 2019, 06:45 AM

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Im probably guilty of this asking for some good eq settings.
People say it all depends on a number of factors.
So yesterday I went to the flat setting and started changing the values.
I found working from the outside in was better, starting at the top end then the low end and working in, it seemed to get better results.


Master EQ & CMP are something only you can obtain with Your sound system.
Trial and error with your ears is the only way to be happy with your sound that you will be happy with......
there is no right or wrong. It is a personal preference that has many variables,
Overall sound & each individual style part , & sound setup.
but I am sure you can reach a satisfactory level if you take your time with it.

Good luck

Graham UK

Good reply from DNJ...I find many EQ & CMP settings offered on forums are set too high which can push the keyboard into clipping.  +1 or -1 at a time until you find whats right for you.
Yamaha Club produced a RegiStick who's settings works very well.