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Mixing Multipads

Started by MusicMan, Feb 29, 2020, 02:43 AM

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Is there a way to mix the volume levels of 4 multipad channels in realtime like you can with style channels or song tracks, ideally with the Live Control knobs or Sliders?

Thank You


It's the same thing as Style. In MixMaster you insert the Pad and continue the same method as in the video.
Watch my video channel


Thank you so much for all your very useful and interesting video's ! :)



Thank You. That's very interesting to know how to use live controls to record automation but I don't want to record automation, I just want to be able mix the relative volumes of multipad channels in real time of the Genos.

In the Genos mixer (touch screen), and in the Live Controls, you can mix/pan etc style channels, song tracks and panel voices but the mixer controls are grayed out/disabled for multipads. I want to mix multipad channels individually in real time too, just like style channels. I don't see individual multipad channel controls in the live controls setting either.

Just wondering if this is possible?

PS. I love all your videos. They are great and very interesting!

Thank You


The same wants a Dutch person. He finds out that after the latest update this was not possible anymore as he did before. through the Mixer.
The tab Multipads opens but change the volume of each pad individual was not possible anymore.
He informs Yamaha about that. They answers "that this only works for Audio link Multipads"

rgds. Wim

Joe H


There is no way to do what you want.  Yamaha has really missed the potential of Multi Pads by not including editing capabilities in the Mixer or Live Control. Actually you would need a Voice Set kind of capability, but Live Control would be a better choice.  And I would like to see Live Control knobs assigned to the foot pedal as well. Live Control with a foot pedal would be awesome and free your hands to play your music.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:

