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style guitar loop audio (solved)

Started by bernamato, Apr 26, 2020, 08:48 AM

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What I'm trying to achieve is to play an audio style midi with looped audio samples of real arpeggiated guitar. The result would be surprising if it were not for the inconvenience in the margin. Later also a short video.
style creator: setting with defined note range. For example: note limit: Ab-1-G0, high key: G and transpose: retrigger to root. NTT: root trans, chord, bass (on / off is indifferent).
I play a Bb major in the style, corresponding to the sample BbMaj that I put on the note Bb-1. I don't understand why with these settings, playing the style, moving from the Bbmaj chord to the Cm chord (in this example an arpeggiated guitar audio sample set on the note Cm0 with velocity 127) the style play the audio sample, randomly, at the beginning of the next bar, an octave below or above the interval of notes that I have set, varying the pitch of the sample, to then correct the shot by correctly playing the sample within the interval that I have set. Could anyone help me understand why this happens? Does this also happen with the sx900? Or should I think that there is a flaw in the S975's operating system in the sequencer part of the style creator? I also noticed that by playing on the editor page of the style creator and setting notes of length 1/4 (always the same note Eb), the sequencer moves in jerks and not regularly (see photo). I know that describing it is a bit complicated but I hope that with the help of the photos and the mp3 I will post you can understand what is happening. Thanks.

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Here the file audio with the guitar played with the left hand. Each chords is a guitar sample.
Each chord corresponds to a sample that has been divided into many 1/4 notes samples placed on the same layer but with different velocities (127, 126 etc.). Example: Eb Maj placed on the note Eb0 with velocity 127 126 125 etc ..
You may hear that in some passages the samples are translated before playing correctly. Thank you for your help.

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I'm not sure I fully understand you.
Set (third image) Bas ON and then try.
Watch this video, Guitar rule is very specific.
Watch my video channel




This is a link to a video to explain, may be, better what I mean.


If it plays a looped audio sample to the CHORD channel, you won't be able to adjust it in the keyboard. This is configured on computer and specialized software.
Watch my video channel


Can I use CASM editor for the same results or you suggest to use Stylemagic that has the possibility to manage the 3 zones area for specific type of instruments played (bass for example)?
In the video you refer to another video tutorial for advanced user (8:23). Please, could you post the link to the video I am interest to?
Thank you for your support.


Only StyleMagic can control all three zones. The Casm Editor can't. I just announced the video and haven't finished it yet. Take a look at the manufacturer's youtube channel, maybe they have something to help you.
Watch my video channel


Thank you. I will await for your next tutorial video. Best regards.


I solved with a technic that I always forget! One channel for exclusive major chords and one channel for exclusive minor chords. I used CASM editor. In Awave I do not know if it could be used the parameter assigned to a specific "Keygroup" for all chords with set "yes" for "self non-exclusiive" for all note assigned to the chord. If someone knows please let me know. Thank you to support.

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