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StyleCreator PSR900

Started by Marty, Feb 24, 2020, 11:43 AM

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I am having some issues with the StyleCreator on my PSR sx900.

If I use an existing preset style and select a track to record onto other than  'Rhy1 & Rhy2' I  get very little sound coming from the keys.

With Rhy1 & Rhy2 I can record no problem.

For example I want to record to the bass track. I select the bass track. Asks to delete the style track, I delete. The track header turns red. I play the keys  and I get strange sounds. Sometimes not any sound is heard. Sometimes faint sounds.

If I go into StyleCreator and start from fresh after an 'initialise' everything works as you would expect.

What am I missing??

EDIT: I have just realised what was going on. The style was using a 'MegaVoice'  and when I selected another voice I just selected another 'MegaVoice'.




Hi Marty,

You must be using Mega voices, which are very difficult to record.
Change the bass or guitar to a different voice and try.
If you want to increase the volume of the track, use the "Mixer / EQ" to change, from within the Style Creator.

Hope this helps
When word fail, Music speaks!