Adding Support for SX700 and SX900 into Midi Maker and Producer

Started by Tyros5Mad, Feb 13, 2020, 05:09 PM

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Hello guys,

I need some help from an SX700 owner and a SX900 owner to get information from your keyboard so that I can add support into Midi Maker and also let Peter Wiersba know so that he can add support for these keyboards into his Producer software.

If you are prepared to help out, send me a private message here and I will reply with the instruction on how to get the info we need.



I have received data for the SX900 keyboard but not for the SX700. Not surprising because most folks are going for the SX900 over the SX700.

So that has got me thinking and asking the question. Do I need instruments definition files for each instrument?

** Midi Maker can work with custom styles. The user simply selects the style manually at the keyboard.
** Midi maker can also send commands to the keyboard to select a particular registration number (Reg1 to Reg 7 supported) via the external controller function.

So taking these two features into account I am thinking I don't need a definition file for each instrument. The user can simply select the style manually or better still, set up registrations and use Midi Maker to control the keyboard that way. An added benefit will be that the user can use the same registrations to play live at a gig as most probably do already and make backing tracks with lyrics by entering the chords and lyrics into midi maker.

So I  am starting work on a new version that will remove all instrument definitions and the onus will be on the user to select the style, whether that is a custom style or a built-in one, and Midi Maker will treat it the same way.





Hi, i have a sx700. Write exactly what you need .... maybe I'll help you.
Yamaha GENOS 1.
 microphone  BETA SHURE 58A,


Thanks for the offer

So here's what I need:

First, I need to know the SX700 instrument number. It can be obtained in two ways;

  *  Creating an Instrument Info File on a USB stick. You can find the instructions to do this in your reference manual. Send me the file you create.
  *  Creating a Step Record file. Just enter a chord or two and save the file. Then send the file to me. This is probably the easiest method.

Secondly, I need a copy of the preset styles so that I can get the style names and the default volumes. The steps below are from my Genos but should be the same for SX700.

   * Select any style and go up a level to see the folder list.
   * Press File and then Copy
   * Press Select All and then Copy
    * Select your USB drive and make a new folder to store the data.
    * Select the folder and press Copy Here. The copy will take a while.
    * Send me the complete folder with all the sub-folders or put it online somewhere where I can download it.

That is it. I will do the rest. It will take a while because I have to check each and every style for the number.

Thanks in advance.