Good by Yellow brick road

Started by Dusan, Feb 14, 2020, 05:52 AM

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Hi to all,

I am looking for suitable or original Style for
Elton John song Good by Yellow brick road...(my kayboard is Tyros 5)

Thank you

If you want to fly,you must first walk....

Bruce Breen

I currently use PowerBallad, but have used 70'sGlamPiano in the past...
They are both on your keyboard under Ballad
Bruce Breen
playing a PSR-S950, PSR-2100 & Piano Accordion


Thank you Bruce,

but i am looking for more specific Style...


If you want to fly,you must first walk....

Roger Brenizer

I hope this song specific style helps you, Dusan.  :)

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"Music Is My Life"
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Thank you Roger,

but I cant open this file....sem's I had no lack...


If you want to fly,you must first walk....

Roger Brenizer

You're welcome, Dusan, but I'm sorry you can't open the file.  It would appear that 4 other members were able to open the file, so I'm not certain what may have happened during your download.  I just played the style successfully.

I would suggest that you try downloading the file again, as it may have been corrupted during your first attempt to retrieve the file.  :)
"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

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Bruce Breen

Hi Roger,
I clicked on the link you have given, and the file comes up already open...??
An example of one of the 188 lines in it is: =± ±[±]<², which, of course, is the computer coding!
Not sure why it would be like that, but maybe that is what Dusan saw at the link...?

Hi Dusan,
I was still able to download the file, so, I think if you go back to the link you should be able to click the download button (above it) and get a copy of it as well.
You will then see the complete, closed file on your computer. It is called Goodbye Yellow Brick Road Elton John TY.sty
Then you can proceed as normal - copy it to a USB stick and try it on your keyboard...
Bruce Breen
playing a PSR-S950, PSR-2100 & Piano Accordion

Roger Brenizer

Hi Bruce,

I clicked on the link earlier, after Dusan said he had no luck retrieving the file, and the file didn't come up already opened; however, I just clicked on the link I provided and it is now coming up open, for some unforeseen reason.

At any rate, all anyone needs to do is download the file, as you suggested.  It's a working style file.  :)
"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

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Roger Brenizer

I've Zipped the style file and provided a new link in my post above, to prevent this from happening again.  Just click on the link and the Zip file will automatically download, Dusan, and all should be well.  :)
"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

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Rick D.

Thanks Roger,
It works now.

Rick D.


Quote from: Roger Brenizer on Feb 19, 2020, 03:35 AM
I've Zipped the style file and provided a new link in my post above, to prevent this from happening again.  Just click on the link and the Zip file will automatically download, Dusan, and all should be well.  :)

Thank you Roger,

ewerything working just fine...


If you want to fly,you must first walk....