FileBrowser iPad Pro to PC

Started by Key 1, Feb 13, 2020, 02:45 AM

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Key 1

Hi all,
Have encountered an issue when uploading files from my iPad to PC using FileBrowser.

Only some of the selected files would transfer each time & I needed to keep trying multiple times for all of my selected files to be transferred, a few at a time.

Notice appearing on iPad screen. :-  "Operation can't be completed". Couldn't communicate with a helper app.

I've never had this notice appear before,  and was wondering what it means and how to get around it for next time.

I eventually transferred all of my selected files ( 270 ) but by only being able to get a few at a time transferred, it was very time consuming.




The first thing I'd do is reboot the PC.

If that doesn't work, try restarting your router.


Clavinova CVP-909, DGX-670

Key 1

Hi Chris,

I've done as you suggested with mixed results.   I'll fill you in on the procedure I use.

1.   To start with I'm re-writing most of my scanned hand written sheet music in "MuseScore" on my PC.

2.   After saving it, I then export it as a PDF to "MuseScore" on my PC.

3.   By remotely connecting "FileBrowser" on my iPad to my PC, I then select these scores in Documents on my PC, and then save them to "Open In forscore".

4.   All good so far.

5.  I then Annotate these with my Apple Pencil.

I seem to be able to only save a few of these at a time using "Upload" to my PC.   It can take a little time for the PDF's to upload depending on how many i'm doing each time.

The same notice re-appears from time to time,  but I still proceed.

I'm wondering if uploading "MuseScore" PDF's is causing a problem.

I have achieved what I wanted to do so all is well.

Thanks again for your help.




I find the Sandisk 'iXpand' Flash Drive works well between the IPad- PC - Keyboard.


[attachment deleted by admin]


Thanks, Pino, for posting a reference to that Sandisk drive. It's a new one to me, and will be a very useful, easy-to-use tool.



Hi Alan

My process is almost exactly the same as yours but I don't upload scores from the iPad to the PC (although I've got a Mac).

As far as I know, annotations made by the pencil on a score are saved only in ForScore on the iPad and so, if you transfer an annotated score back to your PC, you'll only get the original score back on the computer. In which case, it seems pointless to upload back to the computer because presumably you've already saved the original score there. If I'm wrong or you have a different reason to want to transfer back to PC, you can probably ignore the following.  :)

Despite my best efforts when creating a score in MuseScore, I often find when playing it on my iPad that I've missed something or made errors. Like you, I annotate the score on the iPad with my Apple pencil then take the iPad over to my Mac and I can then quickly correct any errors in MuseScore, resave the score, export it to PDF and then download it again to the iPad. That then overwrites the first version on the iPad.

As I'm writing this, I wonder if you take the extra step I take when I'm saving a MuseScore file on my Mac.

When I've finished a score in MuseScore, I save two copies - one in MuseScore format, the other as a PDF.

I have two folders on my Mac:

1. 'Revised scores pre-PDF' for the MuseScore file and

2. 'ForScore PDFs' for the PDFs to be transferred to my iPad.

These essentially are identical folders in that they contain two exact versions of the score.

The reason for having folder 1. is so I can make amendments to a score in MuseScore on the Mac, resave it in folder 1 (.mscz) and then export it to the iPad from folder 2.

That might work for you and save you having to upload to your PC if you're not already doing that.


Clavinova CVP-909, DGX-670



I read a review of the Sandisk stick which said that:

The drive can't hold files larger than 4GB and doesn't support popular audio soundtrack formats. It shortens the mobile device's battery life.

Is that your experience?


Key 1

Hi Chris,

I have you to thank for sharing the information on how to do all this back in 15/01/2019.    I guess this why our procedures are near identical.

My idea for uploading the scores to the PC was for back-up if ever needed.    You are correct that all of the original scores are saved as such:-
      "My Documents  >  MuseScore 2  >  Scores".       This folder contains a combination of mscz & PDF scores.     

However I was able to "Upload" all of my annotated scores c/w all colours/marks/ etc.  to my PC,  but when I tried to "Download" these to my iPad to see if this would work, an error message appears on the screen & I haven't been able to go any further as yet.
I also tried to "Download" non-annotated scores & found the same error message.

Like you, I also have made a number of mistakes when creating a "MuseScore"  score, & have to go back to "MuseScore" to rectify them.   
I find the score to be rectified by:-
1.     MuseScore 2  >  File  >  Open  >  Click on score.       All of my scores are saved as such:-   Song Name Mu 160220.
2.     The modified score will be saved as such:-    Song Name Mu 170220.     I will then have both the original + the modified version saved.
        This can sometimes leads to confusion with so many similar named scores.    I do the same thing with modifying & saving my Keyboard files & folders.
        Maybe this is something I need to address to make life simpler.
3.     By having to correct mistakes, it also means having to redo all of the annotations again.

When you talk about saving 2 copies of a newly created score,  is this in addition to the original  "My Documents  >  MuseScore 2  >  Scores"  folder ?.
This is not something I do but it could be helpful.

Something I have noted :-  "MuseScore 2"

1.  Save As.    >  My Documents  >  MuseScore 2  >  Scores.  (mscz)

2.  Export.      >  My Documents  >  MuseScore 2  >  Scores.  (PDF)


Ipad Pro Gen. 3 has a USB - C connection.





Quote from: alanclare on Feb 17, 2020, 02:19 AM

I read a review of the Sandisk stick which said that:

The drive can't hold files larger than 4GB and doesn't support popular audio soundtrack formats. It shortens the mobile device's battery life.

Is that your experience?


I only use mine for transferring files from my PC to the iPad to my Yamaha Keyboards
What file have you got that's 4 GB? Most midi files, styles and scores are just a few KB's
I have the 64GB version, in 4 years haven't has any problems whatsoever
I see the smaller ones are sold at very reasonably price now. - 4GB would be fine.



Thank you, Pino. That's what I was hoping to hear.



Hi Alan

Let's agree the terminology:

Upload = iPad -> PC
Download = PC -> iPad

When I upload an annotated ForScore pdf, the annotations are lost. I'll look into that.

However, if you want a backup of your ForScore PDFs on your PC, then there's a backup option in ForScore. Have a look at this:

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As it says, back up regularly.

When I make amendments to a MuseScore score, I don't keep the original, I just overwrite it. That's never caused me a problem so I'd recommend you do the same, it'll definitely remove any confusion over 'duplicate' scores.

Just to clarify, although you probably know this, after you've made your amendments in MuseScore, overwritten the original, exported the amended PDF and then downloaded it, it will simply overwrite the original PDF on the iPad. The nice thing is that although the original score is deleted, any annotations you've made on that score are still there. So, if for example, you've put instrument changes on bars 8 and 12, they'll still be there when you open up the revised PDF. This is fine of course as long as any amendments you've made haven't altered the structure of your score. If Bar 8 on the original is now Bar 9 on the amended score then you'll have to re-annotate. Personally, I generally make any annotations in MuseScore. They're a lot neater than my scruffy writing. ;)

Two more things:

1. I agree that when you save to PDF in MuseScore, you do it 'File/Export' option. I'd forgotten that as I've set up a keyboard shortcut for it so don't actually use the menu.

2. I see you're making reference to 'MuseScore 2'. MuseScore 3 has been available for a long while now so, if you're not using it, I recommend you update it.



Clavinova CVP-909, DGX-670