Industrial Chill Style from S970 Missing!

Started by Jamist, Feb 12, 2020, 11:56 AM

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Hi All,
This particular style was really popular around our house, and there was great disappointment when we found it wasn't included on the SX-900.  It appears that it is/was available as part of a style pack from Yamaha MusicSoft, exclusive to the Tyros.  :(
Anybody got any ideas on how this could be re-conjured somehow?  I'm no style-builder, unfortunately.
Jim D.

Bruce Breen

Hi Jim,

The Industrial Chill on my S-950 is an Audio file, which I assume is the same for the S-970.
But, you can't just copy the Audio style file, since it uses a copyrighted audio track for the drumming.

So, you have some "Chill" styles on your SX-900, one of which may be similar to what you are missing.
They are in the Dance area - Chillout1, Chillout2, ChilloutCafe, ChillPerformer (on the S-970 they are in the Ballad section).

If none of these suits you, I also checked out the main PSR Tutorial site, and under Styles found that Rikki had converted and posted many styles from older keyboards (like the S-970) to the SX-900.
Thanks Rikki!!!

I would suggest you download her Ballad and Dance styles and see if she has converted the Industrial Chill in one of those folders (with regular drums).
And of course, you can download all the rest of her conversions...
Here is the link...

Hope this helps!

(And thanks to Lee for the 'gender correction'!)
Bruce Breen
playing a PSR-S950, PSR-2100 & Piano Accordion


Rikki is a Lady, a very nice Lady indeed.....
She has done a lot of style work through the years...


 look too Onacimus' Conversions  (S970 SuperMegaPlus Styles - 04-Ballad-S970 49 Styles) industrial chill is here.