Recording automation in Style Creator

Started by MusicMan, Feb 06, 2020, 04:59 PM

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I am experimenting with recording automation in Style Creator.

By automation, I mean recording continuous changes in a mixer setting so that the continuous changes play back when the style is playing.

Here is how I am able to record continuous changes in panning
In Style Creator, if I record enable a style part, then open the mixer (by pressing Direct Access then Variation button to open mixer.) and then start the style playback by pressing the panel button Start/Stop and then if I go to the Pan/Volume page of the mixer, select the panning control and move the Data wheel while the style is playing, the real time panning gets recorded and plays back when the style plays back. This is a real easy, cool way to record automation.

I experimented with other mixer controls like volume, Chorus/Reverb levels, etc and it seems that the only mixer parameter I can record is panning. Does anyone know of a way to record automation for mixer parameters other than panning in Style Creator, which I can already do?



Quote from: MusicMan on Feb 06, 2020, 04:59 PM

I am experimenting with recording automation in Style Creator.

By automation, I mean recording continuous changes in a mixer setting so that the continuous changes play back when the style is playing.

Here is how I am able to record continuous changes in panning
In Style Creator, if I record enable a style part, then open the mixer (by pressing Direct Access then Variation button to open mixer.) and then start the style playback by pressing the panel button Start/Stop and then if I go to the Pan/Volume page of the mixer, select the panning control and move the Data wheel while the style is playing, the real time panning gets recorded and plays back when the style plays back. This is a real easy, cool way to record automation.

I experimented with other mixer controls like volume, Chorus/Reverb levels, etc and it seems that the only mixer parameter I can record is panning. Does anyone know of a way to record automation for mixer parameters other than panning in Style Creator, which I can already do?

I've been experimenting and one very effective way to record automation (Expression, Panning, Volume, Modulation) is to use XGWorks as a GoTo app inside MixMaster. You can draw automation curves in piano roll. It'e very easy and fast. Then save in XGworks and save the Style.


Hi MusicMan,
I can do the same with some effects of the Mixing console on my s750 like
Harmonic Content,Brightnes,EQ High,EQ Low and  3 dsp effects of the style.
Also Pitch Bend Wheel can work this way.
This method doesn't work for volume changes.

The style parts should be unlocked so you can press the rec button for the one you want to apply continuous changing effects with the Data Wheel.
No need for an external program for this.

But why are you replying to your self? ;D
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Quote from: panos on Feb 11, 2020, 08:01 AM
Hi MusicMan,
I can do the same with some effects of the Mixing console on my s750 like
Harmonic Content,Brightnes,EQ High,EQ Low and  3 dsp effects of the style.
Also Pitch Bend Wheel can work this way.
This method doesn't work for volume changes.

The style parts should be unlocked so you can press the rec button for the one you want to apply continuous changing effects with the Data Wheel.
No need for an external program for this.

But why are you replying to your self? ;D

Wow OK. Yeah I tried it.

Every knob on every page of the mixer is record-able for continuous changes if you open the mixer from inside Style Creator (Press Assignable + a Variation button). The channel has to be record enabled.
But not the volume slider, too bad. That would have been useful.

I responded to myself to share some additional info that I discovered about recording automation.

Roger Brenizer

There's really no need to respond to yourself, MusicMan.  You could have just modified (edited) your original topic post.
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Don't forget also to reduce temporarily the tempo of the style so you can be as accurate as possible with the Data Wheel.
After you finish, you can bring the tempo back to normal.

It would be nice if we could do the same with the volume changes indeed!  :)
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Quote from: MusicMan on Feb 06, 2020, 04:59 PM
I experimented with other mixer controls like volume, Chorus/Reverb levels, etc and it seems that the only mixer parameter I can record is panning. Does anyone know of a way to record automation for mixer parameters other than panning in Style Creator, which I can already do?

I have a video to help you. I record changes to Cakewalk as I move sliders and knobs on Genos.
Watch my video channel


Thank you. Great idea recording another controller and converting it in Step Edit.


If I use an expression pedal to control volume while recording a track, will volume change be recorded on that track this way? That would be a great go-around fix for this issue.