Style file Split and Splice

Started by Dusan, Feb 05, 2020, 09:11 AM

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Hi to all,

Does anyone use this program from The Unofficial YAMAHA Keyboard Resource Site?
I can split the style file into two parts, but I can't figure out how to put it back together again. The program doesn't behave as instructed.
Please for step by step instructions how to splice it again.

Thank you


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This program is quite simple and works very well.

You have to use the SPLICE function, and then you choose first the *.mid file and then the *.nmi file.
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Genosman Music


Maby is simple but,program save a spliced file with mid.sty.exstention....
For exsample:70 Disco mid.sty.
That kinde of file kayboard cant recognize...
Any ather solution or what I am doing wrong?


If you want to fly,you must first walk....



Open style file - see image split.jpg

This will divide tinto a .mid and a .nmi file

Now edit the .mid file

To splice - see image splice.jpg

You will be prompted for a .mid file and when done, prompted AUTOMATICALLY for a .nmi file

Sorry, I can not give a more detailed answer, as there are no more details...


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Thank you Jorgen,

I try to save new edited style many times with Splice function...
Always get a new edited file with Mid.Sty. extention.
Please see image...Like you can see I dont rename new file...
New Folder is my source Folder for mid and no mid files after Spliting


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If you want to fly,you must first walk....


Hello Dusan,

Just rename the file from 70sDisco1.mid.sty to 70sDisco1.sty
Now your keyboard should recognize your style.



I haven't used the program in a while, but I have a vague recollection that it might have something to do with where you save the new file-- that is, in the same folder as the original file, or in a different folder. Or maybe it doesn't make a difference where you save it. Either way, I think the intention is to give the new file a slightly different name than the original file, to avoid overwriting the original.


I load style file to Split and Splice  program from My Styles Folder who is lokadet on ather HD.
Source folder for Splited file's is in my case New Folder on my Desc top.
From here I load midi part of separeted style to my Sequencer program.There I do what I do and
save them back to source folder with the same name.Owerwriting...
To Splice again I used that edited midi file and no midi to Splice again.
The ekstention of Spliced file shuld be:sty....but they's like on my
photo in previous post.

What I am doing wrong is the final question...?


If you want to fly,you must first walk....



I need to create 3 posts since there is a limit of 3 pictures per post and i have 8 for steps 2-9 but the pictures should show you how to do it. The top row of the pop-up windows are important since they tell you what is going to happen (see red arrows :) )

@@1-Start Split and Splice.
@@2-Click file/open style file and browse to the folder with the style you want to split and select it.
@@3-Save the "yourstylename".mid file to a folder of your choice.
@@4-Save the non midi file "yourstylename".nmi to for example the same folder as the midi is saved in.

At this point you can modify the midi file in an external midi editor (mixmaster, cakewalk, cubase et cetera). After saving your changes you go back to split and splice again.

@@5-Click file/open files to splice and browse to the folder wjere you want to save your modified new style
@@6-Give your new modified style a name (this will only create a named file and not the actual spliced style itself!).
@@7-Browse to the folder where you saved the modified midi file and select it.
@@8-Browse to the filder where you keep the NMI file and select it.



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poctures part 2

Here's also the part where you probably went wrong and ended up with a wrong name. See 2nd picture in this post.


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pictures part 3

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Thanks Peter - much appreciated instructions...

Yes, you must be aware of the Dialog window headings...
And select the right files at the right time...

The program is really easy to me... guess all programmers have this opinion about their own programs...  ;)


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Quote from: Dusan on Feb 07, 2020, 05:29 AM
... I load midi part of separeted style to my Sequencer program.There I do what I do and
save them back to source folder ...

Hi Dušan,

a very important point is that the edited MIDI file must be in MIDI Format 0 (= SMF0). Did you pay attention to this?

Many sequencer programs  (DAWs) save / export MIDI files in Format 1 (= SMF1) by default, but mostly you can save / export a MIDI file also in Format 0.

To convert a Format 1 MIDI file to Format 0 later, you can use Jørgen's "MIDI Formatter" program:

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Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Quote from: Jørgen on Feb 07, 2020, 06:25 AM

Thanks Peter - much appreciated instructions...

Yes, you must be aware of the Dialog window headings...
And select the right files at the right time...

The program is really easy to me... guess all programmers have this opinion about their own programs...  ;)


Hi Jorgen,

please dont anderstand my post like I want to criticize your program's.I jut
like to learn how to use them ...
I like your program's and use them wery often.Reason whay I like to know haw to handle
with Style Split and Splice program is cos Cubase dont haw a option to load Midi Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login I must used
Inport Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login's diferent procedur like has Cakewalk where I must use an Michael program Mix Master
to open Midi in sequencer.
Your program Split and Splice gewe me a chance to separate Style file and then imort Midi part of style to Cubase LE.

So,please dont get me wrong...just want to learn...


If you want to fly,you must first walk....


Quote from: Dusan on Feb 07, 2020, 07:00 AM

Hi Jorgen,

please dont anderstand my post like I want to criticize your program's.I jut
like to learn how to use them ...

Hi Dusan

No, I dont get you wrong... In fact your question is valuable information for me.
For me as the developer is SEEMS pretty obvious how to use my programs... guess it is because I know how to...  ;)
I will update the instructions or revise the UI in the next program update.

Thanks for your comment  :)

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Hi Jorgen,

I am glad cos there is no confrontation.
I am an 65 years old man and sems dont anderstand "simple" program's
like I shuld....
We all live so complicated life's to andertand something simple...


If you want to fly,you must first walk....


Quote from: Dusan on Feb 07, 2020, 10:31 AM
Hi Jorgen,

I am glad cos there is no confrontation.
I am an 65 years old man and sems dont anderstand "simple" program's
like I shuld....
We all live so complicated life's to andertand something simple...


Dear Dusan
I am 70 and there are so many things I do not understand.  :-\
Some of these things are pretty simple for apparantly all others except me...

Have a nice weekend
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Thank you Jørgen,

I made the same mistake at first as Dusan probably did. But I figured that was because I often miss out on important info (like that info at the top of the dialogue windows) due to obvious reasons 8) :P  Which is why I tried to post these steps as Dusan requested. Not sure if he even noticed them though or if they were of any help to him ;)



Quote from: XeeniX on Feb 07, 2020, 03:53 PM
Thank you Jørgen,

I made the same mistake at first as Dusan probably did. But I figured that was because I often miss out on important info (like that info at the top of the dialogue windows) due to obvious reasons 8) :P  Which is why I tried to post these steps as Dusan requested. Not sure if he even noticed them though or if they were of any help to him ;)


Hi Peter,

I have to admit that I didn't notice the text in the popup. All my attention was focused on naming. I didn't know whether to rename Mid and Nomid or not eith the same new name. So I left that question open.
Pik the name was information that puzzled me.

In any case, I am grateful to you and Jorgen for any additional clarifications.


If you want to fly,you must first walk....


Hi Duran,
You have got it working now?

I couldn't work out how to do either.
In the end, after splitting a style , I ended up saving everything  ie .mid , .nmi  and the new spliced style to its own folder.  ( my laptop was saving to strange places) .I wanted to try and work out what I was doing wrong, so in a folder of its own worked well for me.
Probably not the correct way to do it, but I renamed the style after it was finished, I didn't change anything during the process.

Best wishes
Korg PA5X 88 note
SX 900
Band in a Box 2022


Quote from: rikkisbears on Feb 08, 2020, 02:53 PM
Hi Duran,
You have got it working now?

I couldn't work out how to do either.
In the end, after splitting a style , I ended up saving everything  ie .mid , .nmi  and the new spliced style to its own folder.  ( my laptop was saving to strange places) .I wanted to try and work out what I was doing wrong, so in a folder of its own worked well for me.
Probably not the correct way to do it, but I renamed the style after it was finished, I didn't change anything during the process.

Hi Rikki,

The program works, of course, but it is at least somewhat confusing for me in the Splice segment.

I will focus only on the second part of the program where it is necessary to merge Midi and No midi segments. First, let me say that the program does not remember in which folder both the separated files are stored and it is necessary to navigate to each folder in each operation. On the Desc top I made three folders. The first is the folder I called "Styles to Split". This is the folder that stores Style's for splitting into Mid and No mid file's.
The second folder is called "Splite'd Styles" and is designed to store a split Style file in two part's.
The third folder is supposed to contain a reunited Style file.

So my procedure is as follows and it works:
After the basic file is unbundled, I take the part with Mid exstention and enter it into the editing program. In my case, this is Cakewalk from BandLab.
I change what I see fit and store it again in the same place where it was taken. I do not change the name, I just owerwriting the existing one.

I open the program "Split and Splice" and select "Open File to Splice function". A window will open with the text:" Set file name for the spliced ​​Style File and save it! " I give a new name,navigate to Destination folder  and give the command "Open".
A new window opens where you can see the new name and give the command "Save"

A new window opens with "Select MIDI part of Style" Navigate to the folder where both parts of the original Style are stored and select Midi part.I select the command "Open". A new window titled: "Select Non Midi part to Style"appears. Navigate to the folder where both parts of the file are stored and I select No midi part and select the command "Open".

This is the final phase of the reunification, but here we do not see if the process is completed as seen in the first phase when we disassemble the basic element. In the first phase, the program reports that the process is completed and reports it with "DONE".

I hope I haven't been too long but the explanation requires a bit more text.All proces can be done allso in the same source Folder.

Now that I am an expert on this program, I am always available for further clarification if you need them.


If you want to fly,you must first walk....


Hi Guys,
Actually I would be fascinated to know just to what extent the .mid part of the file can actually be altered.
ie just a few notes edited?
Could an additional track be added to a style that doesn't use all 8 tracks?
Could a track be replaced by a different track?

I'm guessing the .nmi file contains the Marker data? Casm settings? Anything else?
Best wishes
Korg PA5X 88 note
SX 900
Band in a Box 2022


Hi Rikki

The software has two tools: A scissor and a pot of glue.

The .mid part holds all MIDI data inclusive Marker settings etc.

The .nmi part holds all non-MIDI data = CASM, OTS and Music database settings.

In a style file in a keyboard these two parts work together. E.g. the keyboard interprets the MIDI data according to the CASM settings.

This means that if you add more style parts and/or more channels in the MIDI file, the style will not work properly as there are no data in the .nmi file corresponding to these new added items.

However you can change almost anything else, but not new parts and new channels.

In short: The structure of the MIDI file must not be changed.

Hope this answers your question.

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Thank you Jørgen,
appreciate your input.
I think I understand.
So if for instance I wanted to "Replace " a 2 bar piano track in a style with just say a 2 bar piano track from a pad
( copy/paste)  that would work?

Basically the structure would still be same replacing 2 bars with 2 bars.

Thank you.
Best wishes
Korg PA5X 88 note
SX 900
Band in a Box 2022


Quote from: rikkisbears on Feb 09, 2020, 03:12 PM
Thank you Jørgen,
appreciate your input.
I think I understand.
So if for instance I wanted to "Replace " a 2 bar piano track in a style with just say a 2 bar piano track from a pad
( copy/paste)  that would work?

Basically the structure would still be same replacing 2 bars with 2 bars.

Thank you.

Yes. I absolutely think this will work.

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Awesome, thank you Jørgen,.
I will give it a try when I get a chance, and let you know how I go.
That might open up all sorts of possibilities.

Starting to miss my Korg style editing functions less and less. Haha

Thank you
Best wishes
Korg PA5X 88 note
SX 900
Band in a Box 2022


Hi Jørgen,
It appears to have worked.

Thank you

Best wishes
Korg PA5X 88 note
SX 900
Band in a Box 2022


Thanks for the information.
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