question about left part voice on PSR-SX700/900

Started by dogendo, Jun 13, 2020, 03:14 AM

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My question concerns the use of the left part voice.

By default the left voice is always off for variations A, B, C, or D. If being on variation A I activate the left voice, when I go to variation B it is deactivated again.

How can i do to always have the left voice on  whatever the variation played ?

Thank you in advance for your help



Hi Mike...I can only assume you mean when using OTS link, as this is the only reason Voices would be changed with the variation change ( if its not lit and activated voices will NOT change ) ...
With this in mind, you need to edit and resave the OTS settings to mach your needs...which is done in the very same way as registrations are...Once you do that it should hold whatever edits you make to voices , left or right as and when you change variation with OTS LINK feature 'on'

There are several videos on YouTube and it the tutorial pages on here, how to edit OTS which are pretty much universal for most Yamaha's PSR/tyros .. follow these instructions and you should be ok .... Keith

Ps... without OTS link 'on' voices will NOT change and remain the same, choose what variation you select. Sometimes it is handy to deactivate this 'on the fly' if you want to keep the same voices but move up and down in variation. as some of the factory OTS might not suit all the parts of the piece you are playing.


Actually I was talking about OTS

Thank you Blackpool for your answer : that's how I do it but I was hoping there was a faster method, a kind of global parameter allowing to activate the left voice by default  when using OTS


Hi sorry ....bit deep for me that
Fred or one of the other gurus on here might know, they are well up on what can and cant be done.

It would be easier IMHO to simply use registrations, perhaps make a template up with the settings you want then just edit that for voices and styles which were different... then your issue is over as you can save everything to that registration just as you wish and copy it, but again that would not give you a de-fault setting.

I do think using 'link' here is your issue...if its not on you dont get this problem, although ALL the voices remain the same and of course your upper setting would also not change, which might not help you, hence i would edit OTS. then carry on using 'link' or go down the registration route.


ps...Personally i would not want lower voice to be on by de-fault at all times, as i find i dont tend to use it where the style is often more complex in say ...variations 3 and 4


Just put the FREZE button on but make sure you have Style ticked. Much easier than altering the style and then having lots of user styles. You can also make registrations where you can save the left voice ON.


Eileen's solution works best for me and it's so simple ; thank's again Mike