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CVP 800 series & the Yamaha Smart Pianist App

Started by Kenneve, Feb 04, 2020, 07:05 AM

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Having recently purchased the CVP805, i thought it might be a good idea to connect my I-Pad and use the Smart Pianist App.
On this App and according the sales information, you are able to load any song and the App will produce the score so that you can play the piece yourself.
This function works very well, when using any of the installed songs on the App, it will give you the score on 2 staves, melody and accompaniment, plus if you like the chord symbols.

However when I load a song from elsewhere, it is not so clever.
I'm only getting block chords and the chord symbols, no melody!

Has anyone else got experience of the App and if so, what am I doing wrong?


When I look at the sales-blurb it does say that the music score feature is exclusive to CSP and you only get chords with others. But I am not sure what that means with the version you have or the CVP.


Hi Mike

Thanks for you comments.
Have just purchased a new I-pad (you need IOS11 or later) so that I can run the latest version of Smart Pianist, Ver, which clearly states it supports the CVP800 series pianos.
I think the fact that it reads all the songs included in the App correctly proves the point.
In each case the score is as expected, melody, accompaniment with chord symbols over the top if needed.
As I said, when i input my song files, I only get block chords and nothing else.
I guess I need to send Yamaha UK Support a query, they have been very good in the past with quick replies.
Will keep you posted with their comments.

Regards Ken.


Well not much further advanced i'm afraid.
The attached 3 pics show what i'm getting.
Sp1, is a demo song from SP which shows Melody, Accompaniment & Chord symbols as expected.
SP2, is an Audio file and shows only Melody and Block Chords, no Chord Symbols.
SP3, is a Midi file and show much as expected, but no Chord Symbols.

I have spoken to Yamaha Support UK, but after a fairly long discussion they had admit that the software wasn't really up to doing what i wanted,
IE, being able to load any song, from any source and have the software write the score, which is how I read, rightly or wrongly, the advertising blurb!
I would have been quite happy with just a single stave melody, with chord symbols, can't read lower stave anyway!
So, it looks like I have wasted money on a new Ipad which I didn't really need, however my Granddaughter is quite happy with the old one. :)

[attachment deleted by admin]


Why not load the music you want into I Pad and play from there. That is what many of us do.


I think the app Ken had bought does much more than that. It takes a song ( midi or MP3 ??) and can play it, make a score and provide an accompaniment.... makes great coffee, picks your lottery numbers, wakes you up in the morning, does the ironing.... ;D 


Ah, but is it able to pick the Winning Lottery number? 8) 8)


Quote from: Kenneve on Feb 13, 2020, 05:59 PM
Ah, but is it able to pick the Winning Lottery number? 8) 8)
You mean you didn't check that out before you bought it? :-\


Looks like i might have covered a similar topic before, relating to the Smart Pianist App, but here goes.
I have recently purchased the Midi collection, Lights-Camera-Action, from Yamaha USA and would like to load these files to the Smart Pianist App, on my Ipad

However given that these files are currently listed in a folder on my PC, I'm not able to see them on, or copy them to the Ipad, connected to the PC, unless I'm missing something.
You may say, why would I want to do that? Well I don't really know, just for interest, to see if it was possible and whether any adjustments could be made to the songs, which I'm not able to do using the CVP805 alone.


Quote from: Kenneve on Apr 12, 2023, 02:41 PM
Looks like i might have covered a similar topic before, relating to the Smart Pianist App, but here goes.
I have recently purchased the Midi collection, Lights-Camera-Action, from Yamaha USA and would like to load these files to the Smart Pianist App, on my Ipad

However given that these files are currently listed in a folder on my PC, I'm not able to see them on, or copy them to the Ipad, connected to the PC, unless I'm missing something.
You may say, why would I want to do that? Well I don't really know, just for interest, to see if it was possible and whether any adjustments could be made to the songs, which I'm not able to do using the CVP805 alone.

Hi Kenneve,

The usable features of the Smart Pianist app depend on which instrument it is used with. For example, the "Smart Pianist Specification" PDF (downloadable from the Download section of the Smart Pianist product page) shows that all Song functions of the app can be used in conjunction with the CVP-805.
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Instructions for using files stored on the computer in Smart Pianist can be found in the online manual, which you can also find via the link above. From there, click the "[English]" link next to "Smart Pianist User Guide (language selectable)". There please go to "FAQs > Can I play back the music data on the computer, etc. by using Smart Pianist?" and click there also on the link "online storage".

Unfortunately, I don't know at the moment whether it is possible to copy MIDI files directly to the iPad and import them from there into the Smart Pianist app. Maybe other users can help.

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi overover
Many thanks for your help.
Finally got there in the end, by uploading the files to the Icloud and the importing them to Smart Pianist, from the Icloud.
The main difference in the playing of the songs, is they play, without having to touch the piano keys, much like any other prerecorded song
I found previously that hitting the wrong note caused the playing to stop until I had found the right note  :-[
And of the system will play all the files in the folder sequentially, without any further input from me.


Quote from: Kenneve on Apr 13, 2023, 04:05 PM
Hi overover
Many thanks for your help.
Finally got there in the end, by uploading the files to the Icloud and the importing them to Smart Pianist, from the Icloud.
The main difference in the playing of the songs, is they play, without having to touch the piano keys, much like any other prerecorded song
I found previously that hitting the wrong note caused the playing to stop until I had found the right note  :-[
And of the system will play all the files in the folder sequentially, without any further input from me.

You're welcome, Kenneve. I'm glad to could help you!:)

By the way, if the CVP-805 automatically plays all songs in the current folder one after the other, the Repeat Mode ("All" or "Random") is probably activated in the Song Setting. To turn this off, set Repeat Mode to "Off" in "Menu > Song Setting > Play".

If you have to play the keys to keep a MIDI song playing, it's probably because the Guide function is activated, i.e. one of the Guide Types ("Follow Lights", "Any Key" or  "Your Tempo") is activated in "Menu > Song Setting > Guide".

Please also refer to CVP-805 Owner's Manual, pages 71 - 73, and CVP-805 Reference Manual, page 87, for the functions mentioned.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)