NewBluegrass Style from T-5 used on PSR SX900 Problem

Started by JohnStarbuck, Jan 30, 2020, 10:23 PM

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I've put the NewBluegrass Style from Tyros 5 on the PSR SX900 and everything sounds great except the Intro 3 and Endings 2 & 3. The strings sound terrible almost like CHIPMUNK strings! I understand how to replace voices for RT-1,2,3, but on the intro and endings those voices are pre-set.  It is some kind of "filter" or "effect" setting that would fix these preset parts of the style? Or is it.. just the way it is with different kinds of voices on SX900 vs Tyros 5? I appreciate any help or advice anyone may have! Best, John


Hi John,
  These voices might be SA2 and the SX900 dose not have these so you will need to revoice in the style creator.


I bet that is IT! I had a feeling a "re-voice" was the answer.. but wasn't sure where to do it. Many thanks , Eileen.


Hi John,
  I cant find a style called New Bluegrass on Tyros 5 as I was going to try it on my SX900 for you.


Hey Eileen...
That is SOOO nice of you to see what you think. I sold my Tyros 5, but it was the first item listed under Country. There are many things I love about the PSR SX900, but the deletion of several Genre headings is NOT one of them. I've always hated that the styles seems to be in order of introduction on all the Tyros and PSR keyboards rather than alphabetically. I DID copy all the styles, added old ones I know and use , and put them under "user" while adding back the Ballad and Country Genre lists. I think the "NewBluegrass T5a" is also shared by some of our members here in the styles section. I'm looking at Style Creator, Style Setting, and trying to figure out how to revoice the offending part. (it's Right 1 and 2 which I can omit by turning down volumn - but not sure how to SAVE) and would be better if I could replace the Violin with something that is better. (or change effects or harmony if that is the problem. Thanks for thinking of me and this situation!


Eileen, I have looked thru the Collections that Onacimus has graciously posted I cannot find it... but evidently I downloaded it (and it WAS on T-5 I Swear!!!)   I find this information from the USB stick:

/Users/johnstarbuck/Desktop/JOHN 970/Free Styles Collection/Styles 9/SFF2 styles-2/Onacimus SFF2/S910-SuperMegaPlus/06-Country-20/NewBluegrass T5a.T108.prs

Maybe this will help? Thanks always,


Here is the style if Eilleen or someone else can revoice it for the SX900 for John.

I guess in Style Creator on the SX you have to touch the little icon with an instrument on that part(a violin icon maybe)
and this will give you access to choose another instrument.

We can do this also as a test and listen  how the style will sound without entering Style Creator at all.
We can test also the effects of a part by calling the Mixing Console.

When we find out what it will sound nice with the style more or less, it's time to enter the style creator and change it.
Style Creator and Mixing Console always work together to modify a style.
(You can call the Mixing Console while you are in Style Creator)

Maybe some tutorials for Genos (which also has a touchscreen) on you tube can help you better with these stuff.
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Roger Brenizer

Here's the style you're referring to, John.  :)

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My best regards,

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Thank you Panos and Roger!!!
I think I have what you sent.. but will try these versions of the NewBluegrass style to see if it sounds the same. If not... thank you Panos, and now I"ll try to learn how to make changes to the style with the touch screen changes. Best to both, John


Hi John,
  I have been wondering why I could not find this style in my Tyros styles and the penny dropped.
It is an Audio Style. We can now save these to USB and use in SX900 but the part that is not sounding right is a super articulated Jazz Violin. It also uses a Celtic violin in ending two. It sounds fine in Genos and most of it works in 900 but these voice are blank.


Gotcha!!! Thanks for the analysis... I was hoping those SA Violins could be replaced with something... but not yet sure how to do it! Thank you!


I have just listened to the style.
I don't think a a simple voice replacement will "cure" the problem in the 2 channels of e.g intro 3.
From what I can hear the pitch bend usage of the violin it is so "heavy" that causes that bad sound.
I don't know if by using a program on the pc e.g Mixmaster and remove the pitch bend events will sound good or just a little better.
I think when there is so much pitch change, some of the original notes could be wrong without it.
The usage of the pitch bend on a specific voice with the usage of specific other effects like expression is what they make the melody line to sound right when something is recorded.
I have seen that problem to midi files with a lot of a note pitch when I tried to learn a song and there were different notes on the display from those that I was hearing.
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Hi ,
guessing specific types of sounds, like mega voices , sa2 voices might be recorded in a a particular way to get the best out of the voice.

The only  voices I really used to come across when converting a psr style voices across to Korg were the mega voices.
I used to do my conversions from a midi file of the psr style.

Used to seem odd to me that some notes had really low velocities of just say 1 then others much higher.  I came across a string track where every note had a velocity of 1, and it wasn't to do with the weird little squeak sounds that you hear when playing a mega voice on a non mega voice instrument ( ie my korg).

I just made the velocity higher for my conversion, but I doubt I got a true representation of the style track.

If I came across any sa2 voices I doubt I would have realised unless it played back really strangely.

Maybe some tracks will never work correctly without heavy modification, because of the different voices types on psrs  vs tyros/Genos.
Best wishes
Korg PA5X 88 note
SX 900
Band in a Box 2022


Rikki and Panos.. you are SO kind to think of this for me. Kinda miss my Tyros (now) over things like this.. but the easy solution (and fine) on this specific situation is to NOT use Style Intro or Endings for "NewBluegrass"... as the rest of the style is great on PSR SX900, use another Bluegrass style, or... <G> another solution would be to buy a Genos down the road.. LOL.  It's not in the $ cards for me right now... and the thing is... I enjoyed the Tyros 5.. but I never fully used ALL the functions and am finding the SX900 GREAT on most all accounts. (On board speakers almost always is more than adequate for the small venues I do and as many note here, lightweight is always great for transporting. I have a learning curve for tweaking and SAVING styles, etc., but love the touchscreen. Thank you for your consideration!


Hi John,
If I get a chance, I'll take a look at it, maybe there is an easy fix. My mom goes back home in a couple of days, and
"Hopefully " I might get a bit of spare time to fiddle around and try something.
I've been avoiding style editing on my sx900,  as  I used to find it all consuming on my korgs, and I never got any playing done. Haha.

Let you know if I have any luck.

Meanwhile enjoy your sx, really happy with mine.
Best wishes
Korg PA5X 88 note
SX 900
Band in a Box 2022


Hi John ,
I had a go at it, but, I think it may be a style that we have to forget about the intro/endings that don't work.
If you want a copy I can email it to you.
I think maybe too large being an audio style, to do as attachment on forum, I keep getting error message.
Best wishes
Korg PA5X 88 note
SX 900
Band in a Box 2022