Moving style phrases around in time

Started by MusicMan, Jan 22, 2020, 02:10 PM

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I am seeking advice on what would be the best tools or techniques to accomplish a very specific task I want to perform with my Genos.

I have found many amazing phrases in various styles that I would like to use in music production. I would like to be able to use certain phrases within style parts that I like in flexible ways.

Specifically, I want to move phrases around to different parts of the bar or beat. I don't want to alter the phrases. I want to keep the phrase intact with the voice, phrasing, effects and notes etc intact, but just move it around to a different starting point either to a different beat in the bar or to an upbeat in the bar.

To give an example of exactly what I want to do. If there is a funky guitar strum part with a wah wah effect that starts on the downbeat of 1 on the 1st bar of a part. I would like to copy or I should say cut and paste that part to the "And" of the 1st beat and to the 3rd beat. So that I would be able to use this great sounding wah wah guitar strum with a different starting point and maybe repeated a bit differently than the original phrase without altering the chunk of the phrase that I want to move around. I'm sure this kind of cut and paste would have to include the note events (with velocities & durations unchanged), the voices, the controller event etc.

In a nutshell, I want to move chunks of phrases, in style parts, around to different starting points.

So my question is:
Can this kind of editing be done in Style Creator or do I need 3rd party software and can you recommend the best tools or software to do this ?

Thank You


Hi again my friend,
all the notes of the mid pattern of the style part and all their effects are displayed on Style Creator's "Edit" tab IF that style part is unlocked.
(I hope Yamaha has all the parts unlocked at least for the new models like SX 900 and if on Genos there are still locked style parts maybe they could be unlocked with an update?)

Copy-paste or move or delete a whole bar ( e.g a bar of 4 beats) can be done quite easily with the "Channel" tab (bar copy-bar clear etc). 

But if you want just to move a phrase and not the whole style part, you need to go to "Edit" and copy the notes you want in a new position) or delete them,or change the volumes of some notes etc.

I am talking about the tab drake is showing on this tutorial at time 2:07

The timing of notes in there is from 0 up to 1920

64th note x 30=1920

I'm not good with sheet music but divide 1920:4 to get values of
000 0480 0960 1440 (I think are quarters of the beat)
Then the next beat no 2 starts.
And 4 beats are a bar in a 4/4 style.

001 is the first bar of the style
1 is the first beat of the bar
0000 is the timing that that the beat starts.

Apart from just the notes, you can display also all or some or just one effect so you can see their timing and values.

I hope I didn't confuse you  :)
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I understand about the timing. Quarter note = 1920 ticks. 16th = 480.

I'm using a Genos, but the video is not Genos, it might Tyros and menus and interface are very different on the Genos... so the functionality might be there but the edit pages are very different so I don't know what to do.

Thanks for responding


For the interface and menus of the Genos you might take a look of these tutorials from Olly Woo then:

At 4:12 time is the screen you need.
You have to look for the "Step Edit" on Style Creator:

Here are also some documents about how styles work on Yamaha's keyboards from Jørgen Sørensen and Michael P. Bedesem,programmers and members of this forum:

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If you find a tutorial video on another model about Style Creator on  a PSR S or on a Tyros those functions are also in Genos, just in a little bit different and much improved interface.
The names of those functions are almost the same.
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