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Extremely Disappointed with Genos

Started by DavidB, Dec 26, 2017, 07:42 AM

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gary3917 are a great performer...keep it up .Enjoy all your youtube vids !!!
Tyros 5 (finally ),Tyros 4, Korg M3 88,  Kawia MP7,Casio PX 560 Cakewalk Sonar BIAB Cubase 5
Mackie DLM8 Keyboard stereo Powered speakers and subwoofer

Kaarlo von Freymann

Quote from: Pianoman on Sep 13, 2018, 06:45 AM

....I find that the MP11, coupled with my T3, fully satisfies my musical needs for the moment......It pays to take plenty of time to delve into the EQ and Compression of the T3, to make it sound as rich and full as any other more recent arrangers....apply this compression to the MP11 and the T3 channels. The sound becomes absolutely phenomenal.

Best Regards.

Dear Abby,
nice to have you back with your advice, not only watching and listening to you on utube.  Agree with Gary, are a great performer...keep it up.  Have been missing you, hope you have been absent due to heavy gigging and not exhaustion in this exceptionally hot  summer. 




I am also very disappointed by Yamaha with Genos. This is supposed to be their greatest machine but its a disappointment. There is no training material (only poor quality videos from other users with fragmented information). They still use YEM which is like it was created for Windows 3.1 that is slow and not easy to use. Even their site for buying expansion packs seems deprecated. Its slow and unresponsive. Really... this is a shame. Don't get me wrong. This is a great hardware piece, but the software and training... is awful...

Toril S

Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Yes I have Genos. I bought it 5 months ago.

Toril S

I agree that YEM has some challenges, but the Genos is fantastic!
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


I agree that the YEM program is a awful piece of software, and the MusicSoft site is hosted in the US with a very slow response and very sluggish.
That makes the Genos not a bad keyboard, if all is loaded then you the best board there is on the market .
I hoped that Yamaha wil make a better editor and a system that looks like the Montage & Modx editors and working with a I-pad .
Don't forget that all this is made because all people try to copy the software and try to get it for free, in the future with giga bite networks it can be done online and loading in seconds .

Soneg 🎹🎹👍👍😎
Genos & YC61 and Tannoy Gold 5 Monitors
My You Tube Channel :


It's like having a new Mercedes that you have to crank to get started. 
I know they are trying to protect content so they can continue to develop and sell things, but they surely could have made it simpler to use their software.
If there is any way for people to steal the fruit of their efforts though, they WILL.

Al Ram


Sorry to hear you are not happy with the Genos keyboard.   

Continuing with Don's analogy, it seems to me that . . . it is like having a brand new Mercedes but being disappointed because the Mercedes user manual is not that good . . .  or the lack of training material for the Mercedes . . . 

However, regardless of the lack of training material or poor quality of user manual, etc.  The Mercedes car is still a great car.  (this also applies to your favorite car brand).

The same with Genos, the user manuals, the YEM, the website, etc. are not that great . . . however, that does not discount the quality of Genos . . .  it is still a great keyboard.

After the Genos V2.0 upgrade a lot of people are frustrated (including myself) with how difficult the upgrade was . . . .  loosing some original settings, etc.    unfortunately, Yamaha does not make it easy in that respect . . . however, that does not reflect on the quality of the keyboard itself.   It does reflect on the Yamaha company, but the Genos is still a great piece of equipment.

Hope that gradually you will be happier with Genos or that you get a good offer and recover most of your initial investment when you sell it.    It will sell very quick. !!!  That is for sure.

You all have a great night.

San Diego/Tijuana

JohnS (Ugawoga)


I cannot understand people saying how difficult the upgrade is.
It is not rocket science.
A few simple steps and a little patience and it is done
The instructions are plain and clear reading the pdf file..
I must admit that the instructions for what is in the update  are scattered all over the place and would be nice to have had a simple added section all in one about all modifications and what they do and how to access them. Yamaha documentaion a little behind.
With a little patience again you can figure it out.
The chord looper is easy to understand and a few modified screens, but we all may be missing small detail if not highlighted.
The Genos is a fantastic machine. Cubase also.
Agree Yem could be better.

All the  :)best
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.


H John

I have to agree with most of what you say,I did find the upgrade a bit frustrating,but with help of the good folk on here I got the job done eventually.
Was it worth it,well yes it is probably advisable to always have the latest O/S installed but I don't know if I'll take advantage of all the new additions,the chord looper looks really useful though.Luckily I didn't have a whole lot of files and settings of great importance,so I'll gradually get it back to my preferences over time.I can though empathise with those who use their Genos for gigs etc.and I think Yamaha could have made it less worrying for those.
The Superior has some nice additional styles and voices and I'll take a look at those over time.

Previous keyboards-Yamaha PSR 410,Technics KN2000,KN5000,KN6000 , KN7000, Tyros5 and Genos


I think we must look at it this way the update a couple of years ago would not have been possible so we would have had to purchase a new keyboard to get any new functions. Yamaha have now done this with there version 2. All alterations including the extra memory have been done by hardware and not taken from other parts of the keyboard. You now in effect have a new keyboard and as such all settings are back to factory settings just as they are when you take a new keyboard out of the box.
  If you took pictures or screen shots of all your user settings then you can easily put them back with no  problem which I have done.
  As for the YEM the new version is working well and remember most of us use this for expansion packs and now we can load a pack without it formatting the memory so that is a good addition.
  The superior pack is another nice FREE addition with some grate new styles to use.
I for one am very pleased to have all this completely free.

Lee Batchelor

John, I think the biggest obstacle for people has been with the YEM software upgrade. I haven't even installed 1.41 yet :o but from what I see, 2.0 is fairly straight forward. What isn't easy revolves around all the customizations that people have made to their Genos that are now gone.

One very important rule we technical writers have is to never use the word "simply" when creating our documentation. We see it used in so many places, especially in procedures. When you use the word "simply" and the user can't get the item to work, you just called him or her a moron. Yamaha is not alone.

Each day we all read instructions that make no sense. A company spends literally millions of dollars developing a product, and then they let the engineers and secretaries write the manuals ::)!!

Back to the original subject. David, several people have found the Genos to sound very flat and basic right out of the box. Personally, I found that I had to really play around with EQ and Compression settings to get a decent marriage between the Genos and my sound system. Several people have also mentioned the Genos speakers are pretty mediocre for what they cost. I think a good sound can be had with the Genos. The pianos will never be up to par with Yamaha's dedicated pianos. For that, you can blame the marketing team :). On the other hand, Yamaha could do what Nord did. They dedicated a full gigabyte or two just for their piano sounds. I think Yamaha could do that for a reasonable cost without shooting themselves in the foot by decreased electronic piano sales. The Genos pianos are far better than the Tyros ones, in my humble opinion.
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.


Personally I don't think, this keyboard is flat,  I used the Tyros1 and 3 for many years.  I switched to ketron Audya 4, for a while because my back problems, it was nice but I found myself taking longer to set-up and carried the module and Yamaha keyboard. 
When Genos came out, I tried it because of the extra keys and it is lighter then my old Tyros.  I had a little hard time to understand how the system works, once I understood how it works, it became easy to set-up.  To change instruments, volume etc is not difficult once you understand it.
I didn't upgrade, I just adjust the styles the way I want and save them in Registration.
I have several videos on you tube, I am not even a keyboard player.  I just posted this video, you may want to look and listen, nothing fancy just sat and played.
I use BOSE L1 sound system.


DavidB...I think the answer is to get a CFX Grand from Yamaha.


I am trying to understand this thread in it's present form.

The last time that the OP DavidB posted about his dissatisfaction with his Genos
was on the 18th of January 2018.

He probably doesn't even own a Genos anymore, and the last he seems to have posted
or appeared on this forum seems  to have been on that date too.

Yet I still see folks here giving him advice on not letting go of his instrument.

Best Regards,

Welcome To My YouTube Videos.
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Roger Brenizer

David has not logged into the forum since August 5, 2019.  :(
"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

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Quote from: Pianoman on Nov 26, 2019, 01:49 PM
I am trying to understand this thread in it's present form.

The last time that the OP DavidB posted about his dissatisfaction with his Genos
was on the 18th of January 2018.

He probably doesn't even own a Genos anymore, and the last he seems to have posted
or appeared on this forum seems  to have been on that date too.

Yet I still see folks here giving him advice on not letting go of his instrument.

Best Regards,

Hi Abby,
I got one.  :)


Hi Don,


I hope that you've come to grips with it and that you like it, considering that you're more
experienced with other keyboards.

My Best Regards,

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I'm actually liking it better than I thought I would.
I am using all my old registrations in it, but I am changing each one individually to better utilize the new styles and sounds.  Been working on it for nearly two weeks, and expect to start using it on the job this week sometime.
They key touch on the Korg PA4x was starting to hurt my fingers and hands, playing four hours every night.  The keys on the Genos are much lighter and very responsive. 
The Genos has finally incorporated some of the Korg features I love so much, like looper, programmable sliders and knobs, nice touch screen, joystick, songbook and improved drums.  It still trails in vocal harmony, but I'm getting around it o.k. 
Pianos, guitars, strings, horns, vocal sounds are all great, and the drums finally got a lot better than before. 
I think I'm going to be satisfied with it!  :)   I find myself using the multipads much more than on previous models. 
Had to change keyboard stands and buy a new bag.  :(
I still have the "lowly" Roland EA7 as well, and it is probably the best bargain ever in arrangers.  I will keep it as backup and for jobs where I have to move in and out somewhere.  The Genos will stay in one place, where I work almost all the time.
I wish you good luck with your Genos and hope you will enjoy it for many years to come.

Toril S

Don, congratulations😀😀🌲🌲
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Don I knew you were gonna LOVE Genos ...I love mine a lot.
and the more your gig with it I am sure you will discover so many wonderful things inside.
Can't wait to hear some gig recordings also...go for it and enjoy!! 8)


Hi Don,
  So pleased to hear you are liking Genos. Look forward to hearing some of your recordings.

Toril S

I have had my Genos for over a month now. Loving it!
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Used it on the job last night for the first time.  So far, so good...still lots of adjustments to make, but that is to be expected.


The Genos suits all my requirements and more.  It has a great sound and I love having 76 keys instead of the 61 keys I had on the Tyros 5.

Last night I was playing here in my home studio. I am working on a new song and it's a difficult one. Every so often i would change to other songs just to get away from constantly playing the same one. I took a break for dinner at about 8pm but went back to playing after.

When I started yawning, I looked at the clock and it was 11.30pm. I had started playing at about 5pm. I was using headphones so thankfully I did not disturb the neighbours. It was a really productive session. I now have some ideas for three or 4 songs that I hope to do before Xmas.

BTW I have not updated to the version 2 software yet. I don't think I need it. The chord looper might be interesting, but it does not compare to what I can do with my Midi Maker software, which can create complete backing tracks. I might update at some stage to get the extra styles but really I already have thousands of styles and I have not even listened to all the Genos styles, much less used them.

Bottom line: the Genos is fabulous and I love it. What will Yamaha come up with next I wonder.


Rick D.


I'm happy to hear you are responding to your treatments. Cancer sucks!

As far as the Genos is concerned, I just purchased one in November myself. You really need to give yourself more time with it. I came from a long line of Tyros keyboards 1,2,4,5 before the Genos.
The Tyros 5 was a great keyboard as well.
Out of the box the Genos is flat. You need to spend time setting the EQ and Compressor settings yourself or choose one of the several preset ones. Anything is better than flat. You will love the new touch screen and having a full keyboard to type is long over due. I have both the Yamaha Genos speakers and 2 Bose 1 Compacts. I played it for the first two weeks with the Genos speakers, before I hooked up the Bose. This required resetting the EQ and Compressor settings.  This can only be done by you, because you will be the one listening to it. Only you know your taste.

I lot of people when spending a lot of money as with the Genos experience buyers remorse. Ignore it LOL, and enjoy it!

With what you are going through health wise, I'm sure it is hard to concentrate on your music, as family and friends are more important. That being said for me, music is a great escape, to get away from worries with health and other things going on in everyday life.

Give the Genos a chance, I''m sure your  mind will change. The piano is not a huge improvement for sure but it is better the older keyboards when properly adjusted. The rest of the new voices and the new drums are amazing.

Here's to your continued recovery! Cheers!

Rick D.


Rick D This is a very old post and DaveB has sold his Genos, his last post on this forum was August last year so it is unlikely that he will post on this thread and he has moved to Roland keyboards. This thread has has come alive again because geniusram has inconsiderately spammed the forum with the link to his youtube channel.
Can A moderator please lock this thread?


Have banned the spammer and locked this old thread