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Increasing volume of only one of the 4 maultipads

Started by anandmaloo, Feb 11, 2020, 02:54 AM

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I do a lot of cut and paste in Multipads for my registrations and end up having a set with different volume levels (coming from different sources). Is there a way to increase the volume of only one multipad of the 4, other then the step edit ?

I tried selecting more than one steps through multi select option in step edit mode, but could not change the volume of all the selected steps in one step.

Any other way?





Open the pad in Mix Master, go to note view select the track to modify; select all notes and change all velocity using a percent (for example 20% more; if the velocity are many close to maximum better is to decrease others 3 with the same level)
You can guess the percent easily on keyboard.
I make this for few style where Intro Major was OK and intro Minor was too loud.

PSR SX-900; PA 1000; AKX 10