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does anyone understand the manual of the psr 4600?

Started by anon125, Jan 18, 2020, 12:27 PM

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when we are playing a chord (split keyboard ) and the rhythm is playing, it stops the sound when you lift your hand to play another chord.
we are sure with some setting the sounds would continue until the next chord.
thanks all


According to the manual, the Auto Bass Chord accompaniment should continue playing even after you lift your hand. Do you have Auto Bass Chord turned on?


You have to select left hold knob
The group is part on left/right


Turn the book over - it could be upside down. If nothing else works try holding down one finger of the previous chord until you depress the keys of the chord you're going to. Last resort, do as I do, cough real loud at that point. D.


No manual is needed
Just select the left hold knob
It speaks for itselfs Left Hold means hold the sound on untill the next chord is pressed



Does the PSR-4600 have a Left Hold button? I don't see one pictured or mentioned in the manual. It's a really old model that doesn't have all of the features of later models.


no left hold button

auto bass chord to fingered

the accompaniment continues but the chord does not.


PS our e313 continues the chord til the next chord


BTW is Michael at Bonners on this forum?
He likes yamahas.
He has one of these.