How to add the 11th Registration?

Started by Murat, Jan 12, 2020, 08:41 AM

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Hello all, good afternoon, hope you are having a lovely Sunday.

I use the Registrations to save my favourite sounds (although this might not matter).

I have saved the 10no buttons my favourite sounds but how can I save more? How do I save another one (or more) so when I press the Regist+ button it opens the next 10 Registrations? There is nothing else saved other than my 10no Registrations.

Please could you give me step by step instructions?

Fred Smith

1. Tap on the registration window (at the top of the screen).
2. Tap on File
3. Tap Save
4. Give your registration a name
5. Tap on OK
6. Tap on Save here

You can have as many registration files as you'd like

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Plus, you can have 40 sounds in one Registration Bank ... each Registration button x 4 OTS buttons!



Thank you. I am not sure if I got this though?
I already know how to save a Registration so I have 10no of them saved; the buttons on the keyboard it was easy to save them and I think I already saved them as a bank gave it a name.
What I can't do is the following; I want to add more Registrations. So when I click the Regist+ button it will load the next bank (I think this is how it works) I think I only have 1no Bank saved?

Jean-Pierre 33

Hello Murat,

This possibility exists on all Yamaha keyboards with the registration function.
Here is a tutorial which is in French but which will allow you to see more clearly.

You can download it at: Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login

Best Regards

Jean-Pierre 33


OK so you've got a Registration Bank with 10 favourite sounds.

Save (or if necessary) rename the Bank to, for example, '00_Favourites'.

Then create another Registration Bank of more favourites and name it '01_Favourites'.

Then when you're using '00_Favourites', press the 'Registration Bank+' button and '01_Favourites' will load up.

Just repeat the process for any new favourites Registration Bank with sequential numbering.


Clavinova CVP-909, DGX-670


Thanks Chris,
I got it, so when creating 01_Favourites, do I just overwrite 00_Favourites (after saving of course)?


No, you need to keep '00_Favourites'.

Play around with it a bit and create a few favourite Registration Banks saving them sequentially as I described.

Your Registration Bank screen will then look like:

and so on.

If you're using eg '02_Favourites' and then press Registration Bank+, you'll go to '03_Favourites'. Pressing Registration Bank- will load '01_Favourites'.

As I said, play around with it to get familiar with the process.



Clavinova CVP-909, DGX-670


Hi Chris,

I understahd that when you have several Registration Banks already saved you can then use the Regist+ to go up and down the banks but now my question is, how do I create a new Bank? Once the first Bank is saved where do I save the first Registration of the New Bank? Do I start overwriting the existing Bank and save as a new name?


You could start with a blank registration but I normally start a new one from an existing registration because, if I'm happy with all my parameter settings in the first bank, they'll all be intact for my next registration bank.

As you say, when you've overwritten the buttons of the first bank, then definitely save the new bank with a new name. That will ensure you've still got the first one.

Take a look at Fred Smith's video:



Clavinova CVP-909, DGX-670


I see Chris posted a response at the same time...

I create a new bank as follows:

- I use the bank that is currently in use (I have about 400 registrations)
... I do have a blank Registration bank, and I could open that one first, but this is a different approach ...

- So, I make my changes: Style, Voices, MultiPads and so on
- I then press Memory - followed by button 1 (or any other)
- I then Save the registration and when the window pops up with the name of the registration bank, I change the name and continue saving
... that's it

- I then overwrite the other memory buttons, or I use the Edit function to delete the unwanted memory buttons.


I'm not talented ... but I practice a lot.
please visit


This is what he asked for! How to create another bank!

An option is to use File - Copy function (which I use, and it is not annoying).

Supposing you have the next folder structure:
Folder 1
Folder 2
Folder 3

Supposing you have already created a full 10 reg bank which is stored in Folder 1,  press File - Copy, highlight your Reg Bank. Change folder by pressing Up arrow, in the bottom-right corner of the screen (now you are in the root of your registrations - REGIST folder), and use Copy here option in top-right corner. Rename your newly created Reg Bank, something like Empty bank. Select this bank, go to Menu - Reg Bank Edit and delete all the registration memory from this selected Reg Bank. Use File - Save and overwrite it when it asked for.
Now you have an empty registration bank, which you will be able to use any time, as a empty template reg bank.

Now, use File - Copy - Copy here to be able to copy your empty template to desired folder (supposing to Folder 2). Use File - Rename and rename your bank as you want.
Start using Memory button to save what parameters you want into newly created Reg Bank on empty memory slots.

Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel -

Vali Maties - Genos


Thank you all, much appreciated.

I think Vali's description was the best for me, I think he understood my core question and my confusion.

I will do it Vali's way, by copying an existing Bank and pasting it somewhere, renaming it as say 'Blank Bank' so I can use it as a empty template then delete its Registrations saved in it. Then whenever I need a new Bank I just copy this and paste it into a desired location and rename as whatever I like.

