Styles stop when taking hand off keyboard

Started by bob4play, Mar 13, 2020, 10:17 AM

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Not sure how to explain this but here it goes.   I load a style and the style starts when I play a chord but when I take my Hands off keyboard it stops.   Is there a setting someplace I can change.    On other styles the style continues even when I lift my hands off keyboard

Thank you.....oh all gigs have been canceled due to corona virus here in San Francisco area.    So I will have time to stay put and practice.        Thank you




Bob, the sync stop setting (to the left of sync start and style start/ stop) is designed to stop the style whenever you raise your left hand. You might be using a registration that unintentionally turns sync stop on as well as calling that particular style.


It is better To give the type of keyboard you got
There is a different in knobs
I got the tyros 5
under part select you have to press left on and lower left hold

Rick D.

It's the Sync Stop button.
You didn't mention what keyboard you have but most Yamaha's  have one.

Rick D.


Janus, Bob mentioned the style stops when he raises his hands. If this is described correctly it is nothing to do with the left voice and extending it with left hold as you are suggesting. It does not really matter which keyboard in this case. Both Tyros (yours) and Genos have the sync stop button in similar positions so try it. The effect is pretty obvious, and in some cases, useful.