I love that the new SX is so grabby

Started by beakybird, Jan 03, 2020, 08:11 PM

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I've had many PSR's almost slip out of my hands. Yamaha was really smart to make this keyboard so easy to grip. For a gigging musician, this is a major improvement.

I also like that the inputs are a little recessed making it less likely to have an accident.

A few years ago, I pulled my back, and my wife came with me to work to help me set up. She was in a hurry to get out, and packed my S970 before I removed my USB. At my next job, the USB drive had been pushed into the keyboard. I had no access to my USB drive, and I had saved no registrations to my USER drive, and the show sucked, and I lost a twice a year client. It cost $350 to fix the keyboard as the USB drive was integrated into a motherboard. This accident might be prevented with the design of the SX keyboards which has the inputs recessed from the bottom back of the keyboard.

Kudos to Yamaha.


Quote from: beakybird on Jan 03, 2020, 08:11 PM
I've had many PSR's almost slip out of my hands. Yamaha was really smart to make this keyboard so easy to grip. For a gigging musician, this is a major improvement.

I totally agree, the past PSRs were clumsy
For a home player, it probably isn't that important
If your moving the keyboard often, then it's very important


Toril S

Yes, my PSR 975 is slippery and not easy to hold on to when moving it! So this is a good developement!
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.


Toril's PSR Performer Page


Hi beakybird,

The USB issue was something I had always brought up and thought was a terrible design by Yamaha. Just to have one USB slot in the previous S keyboards was shameful, careless (and dangerous) just as your situation had proved and would have been my worst nightmare.

But as much as the SX has been improved, I still think Yamaha missed a trick and should have included an Mirco SD slot, I just cannot fathom a reason why it didn't have one (again). I think this is at least one area that Korg will always have one up on Yamaha, the features.

Al Ram

You can also use a compact USB flash drive

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