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Reference speakers or GNS-MS01?

Started by Dave Nuttall, Dec 11, 2019, 09:26 AM

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Dave Nuttall

Does the Genos "play nicely" with traditional reference speakers or is the GNS-MS01 speaker system a "must have"?

Genos1, ProTools, Cubase AI10, Win10,  BIAB-2025, Sibelius Ultimate, MixMaster, PRSUTI, StyleMagic, StyleWorks, and Baldwin SF-10 acoustic piano.


Its a matter of taste. I use the Genos speakers at home and am very happy with them.


The Genos speakers are sufficient for playing at home, but to play out you would definitely  need bigger output speakers.



Like Eileen says, it is mainly a matter of taste ...

I bought my Genos with a yamaha HS5 / HS8S combination.
A friend of mine bought her Genos with GNS-MS01.
After hearing my setup, she preferred the sound I was getting over what she had and as a result she replaced her GNS-MS01 with a HS5/HS8S set.

Volumewise the GNS-MS01 will do the trick when playing at home. No problem there.
So I think it is mainly a matter of : do you like the way GNS-MS01 sound....? Taking into account the price of the GNS-MS01 set but ALSO and maybe even more importantly, taking into account the price of a Genos ....

Best regards
Genos 1, PSR SX900, Roland PK6, Ketron SD1000
MSI Cubi 5 mini pc with IIyama prolite 24" touchscreen, MobileSheets

Rick D.

I just got my Genos last week and I did purchase the GNS-MS01's with it. I didn't purchase the Factory speakers for my Tyros 5 because I have two Bose Compact 1's. The Genos sounds fine with the GNS-MS01's. I think more importantly you have to work on EQ settings to get the sounds you like. There is no doubt in my mind that the Bose will blow away the stock speakers, but they cost $2000 not $299.


Hello Dave,

GNS-MS01 or reference speakers - those are two different things. The GNS-MS01 sound great for home playing - and definitely fit the category of  "playing nice".  "Reference" speakers are not designed to "play nice". Instead, they are designed to "play the truth to your face" ;D  You would typically use them for mixing tracks. The Yamaha HS speaker series is a good example for that.

You can (to a certain point) make reference speakers sound "nice" - by changing EQ settings and adding a sub-woofer like the HS8S mentioned earlier. But in general, that is not what they are designed for.

The best thing in my view, is to decide what you're after first; "nice" or "truth" and "home playing" or "out for gigs".  And then visit your local music store to do some comparisons.

Cheers, Roland

Dave Nuttall

Thanks to all.
I've decided to order the Genos and use my existing resources!
Genos1, ProTools, Cubase AI10, Win10,  BIAB-2025, Sibelius Ultimate, MixMaster, PRSUTI, StyleMagic, StyleWorks, and Baldwin SF-10 acoustic piano.


The Genos should sound great with any speakers, you might change EQ, depending on speakers, and the room you're in.   I use my Genos with Studio self amped speaker, Genelecs 8040's. It's a beautiful sound

Lee Batchelor

Oooooh...Genelec 8040. Great speakers, Mark. I'm envious :)!!
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.


Hig quality and Made in Finland  :)

Regards Esa

JohnS (Ugawoga)


Go for a pair of Reference speakers
Quality is how much you pay for.
The Yamaha satallite speakers are tinny and poor sounding in my opinion and for £300, they are a rip off with battery wires for cables.
The Sub box just gives the whole system boom and tinnyness.
Gor for a rounded pair of quality speakers full range.
If you are EDM then add a quality sub bass.
For all music up to the 90's full range are good..
Buying a decent set of studio speakers will last you for years to come.
They will pay for themselves after buying the next few Yamaha keyboards in the future.
I use Focal alpha 50's for monitoring  and Yamaha DXR 8's for for coloured sound. As Lee said Genelecs are also quality speakers.
I never looked back after buying quality.

All the best
john :)
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.

Dave Nuttall

Thanks to all for comments/advice.
I passed on the GNS-option and am very happy with the Samson Rubicon speakers that I used with my PSR-S910.
Genos1, ProTools, Cubase AI10, Win10,  BIAB-2025, Sibelius Ultimate, MixMaster, PRSUTI, StyleMagic, StyleWorks, and Baldwin SF-10 acoustic piano.

Graham UK

Genos speakers...First consideration should be the sound quality, we all hear differently but once happy with the sound then speakers output power should be considered but not before the quality.
I have heard many...many poor PA systems that it appears the players are not aware of how poor it sounds.

For home use a good quality pair powered speakers. There are some excellent small monitors available £300 Pair.


I abandoned the Yamaha speakers with the Tyros 2.   I have multiple keyboards so I use Reference speakers (Mackie HR824's) so they are not bound by Yamaha proprietary connections.  Same reason I don't use the Korg Soundbar.   

You will hear much more fidelity through reference speakers.  You may prefer to add a sub-woofer to the reference speakers as it really adds a nice thump and groove to your sound.  A nice set of reference speakers can be obtained for roughly the same price as the Yamaha speaker system.


FWIW and slightly OT:

When my Genos arrived about 5 weeks ago, I set it up temporarily in my living room with a pair of six-foot Magneplanar MG-IIIa panels and an M&K Volkswoofer, biamped from four Sunfire 500W amps fed through a Marchand active crossover. Talk about impractical! But it blew my socks off, and everybody who came to hear my new keyboard was astonished at the sound quality. I'm still looking for my left sock.

Now in my music room, the Genos is playing through a MOTU UltraLite mk3 into an Alesis RS150 power amp, and the speakers are a pair of Dick Sequerra Metronome-7's and a huge DBX SW-15 passive sub. With some minor EQ tweaks the sound is still magnificent.

If I ever take it on the road, it will go through a pair of Yamaha Stagepass 1K line arrays (poles), which have a very smooth sound and surprisingly good subs. Again, some EQ will certainly be required, but gigs require EQ tweaks for each different venue.

I also have one EQ preset that I use when playing through my Sennheiser HD 650 headphones (which are open-back and comfortable enough to wear all day), and another EQ for the closed-back Sony MDR-7506 phones, which are a standard for mastering.

What I'm finding is that the very flexible master EQ controls are more than adequate for pretty much any speaker setup one might encounter. Of course, one reason for the sound quality is that (as I understand it) all the samples are losslessly compressed or uncompressed at 44kHz x 16-bits (which isn't the ultimate, but it's good enough for 10,000,000 CDs!).
