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Genos 2 fixes in next update

Started by lut112, Dec 28, 2019, 11:02 AM

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You can get to the reg. info screen a little quicker from any other screen  by pushing  Direct Access followed by any of the registration buttons.
If desired you can inspect the info and then switch to the registration of choice  by touching it in that screen.

Lee Batchelor

Quote from: beekay on Jan 10, 2020, 04:01 PM
Hi Lee
Not sure how to post a screenshot but on the "Regist Bank" screen, if you tap on "menu" at the top right hand side, the first item is "Regist Bank Info" and the second item is "Regist Bank Edit"
The Regist Bank Info has all the details of the registration, Left, R1, R2, R3, etc for all 10 regs but the screen is too cluttered.   
Okay got it. Thanks, Beekay. I remember that screen now.
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.


Reg Bank info is an assignable function, so it can be assignet to one of assignable buttons. I have assigned to A button, so it's very quickly 😉
Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel -

Vali Maties - Genos


My Second Enhancement list:

Better Playlist Management Options -
* Quicker way of moving an entry Up/Dn by Page / Top of List / Bottom of List.  I wish you could drag and drop now that we have a touch screen.
* Better management of moving Playlist entries - BETWEEN Playlists in the keyboard (not using EXCEL).  For example if I have a MASTER playlist and want to break it into 4 Sets, I'd like to call up the MASTER playlist and copy and paste chunks of entries into separate Lists.
* I would like to see Playlist entries "Gray Out" once they are played during a performance.  Either create a start performance button or reset once powered down.

Gunnar Jonny

Not a 'fixlist' addon, but would like to repeat myself form anoter thread regarded to the topic:

We can see the left hand actually pressed chords at the screen. I'm not any good at read or play stright out off musicsheet, need some time to rehearsal. When chords for a song is glued into my mind an a certain key, it might happen I need to transpose.
In that case, I would like to see in the display what chords comes out off the keyboard and not the actually played ones. An option to change what show up in display, played or sounding chords, would be great. 👍

Btw, some time ago when I asked about this feature, Yamaha support told me that this was complete impossible to do, and that the engineers was too busy and would not listen if they delivered the wish.
As long as there is other brands that shows the chords we hear at the display when transpose, it's probably not impossible. Maybe not many users that miss it or see any benefit of thes feature, or simply that the right person has not mentioned it to the engineers.....
Cheers & Happy Playing. 🍷 🎶🎵
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)

Toril S

I would like this too! Great idea Gunnar Jonny!
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


I think this would be very confusing for some after all you may transpose the song but you will still be playing the same chords. If playing in C and you raise transpose half a tone you are not going to start playing the Db chord of it would sound bad.

Gunnar Jonny

Korg shows the sounded chords, and so does the Roland BK7m, at least the one I just sold.
Imagine you have connected an external screen for others to see the chordchanges, and if transposed, the chords you hear is not the ones you can see at the screen....
Cheers & Happy Playing. 🍷 🎶🎵
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)


Hopefully Yamaha will fix the super slow access of MIDI files located on the User Drive (SSD?). If Yamaha used a real SSD in the Genos then there shouldn't be a problem when trying to access MIDI files, Audio files, Folders, and/or Sub-folders. And yet that is exactly what happens sometimes when accessing midi files after updating to the latest OS 2.01 update. After upgrading to 2.01 I had high hopes the problem would be ironed out since OS 2.0 was the beginning of this issue at least in my case. But no such luck.

For instance, I did a "Search" for a specific MIDI file located on the User Drive (all my midi files are on the User Drive by the way). The midi file I was looking for was by the Beach Boys. I have thousands and thousands of midi files located on the User Drive within Folders and Sub-folders. I typed in Beach Boys and the list came up with several midi files, 71 in total to be precise. I selected one using the touch screen and it said "loading" but it never loaded even after 20 minutes. The pop up message continued saying "loading" and of course when files are being accessed you can't do anything else on the Genos except play the keys, until after the file is loaded and the message disappears from the screen. I ended up having to turn the Genos off and restart it. It doesn't happen every time when trying to access files and folders on the User Drive, but it is irritating when it does happen and it would be especially troubling if it happened during a live performance.  And I am at a loss at what might be causing this issue except possibly a software glitch somewhere within the coding process of the Operating System. The problem didn't happen when I used OS 1.40 but I don't really want to go back to an earlier OS since I would be missing out on all the great things that OS 2.01 brings to the table. If Yamaha fixed this particular anomaly it would be icing on the cake.  8)

PS: I reduced the amount of midi files contained within certain folders and sub-folders, which seemed to help initially, but the problem continues to occur in certain situations and IT AIN'T RIGHT!  ;D LOL Although it's not funny really. It's kind of a drag.  :( Workflow is reduced and it's a pain in the neck when it happens and so hopefully Yamaha will sort it out in the next update. If there "is" a next update!?!?  :-\

All the best,


Hi Mike,
  I would not think this is a fault with the keyboard but rather the way you have your Midi's stored. Remember you can only have so many files stored in Sub Folders as well as so many Midi's in files.

Fred Smith


Sounds like an indexing problem. Have you left the keyboard on long enough so the index can be updated?

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons

Lee Batchelor

I thought the User drive in the Genos is an SSD. Access times on SSDs are very short. I agree with Fred. I read this brief article on SSDs.

"Disable Indexing or the Windows Search Service: Some guides say you should disable search indexing–a feature that makes search work faster. They claim that, with an SSD, searching is already fast enough. But this isn't really true. Indexing builds a list of the files on your drive and looks inside your documents so you can perform an instant full-text search."

I think either there has been inadequate time given for the Genos OS to index all files or the software has a glitch that inhibits indexing. At any rate, the SSD shouldn't be stalling as described. SSDs are very fast but even faster when indexing works correctly. Does indexing go on in the background when you're playing the Genos or is there only one CPU to handle all the music functions, leaving nothing for background operations?

"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.


Quote from: Murat on Jan 07, 2020, 05:21 AM

2.   It should be possible to turn on/off PADs individually. On Korg keyboards, you can just select the PADs you want turned on and turn off the ones you don't want without having to stop the whole lot.

ituations, the smooth transition does not take place; changing a OTS or a Registration can create a loud ugly sound due to the effects or sounds saved within each OTS or Registration. Would be great if this is fixed.

CMIIW, but the way you stop multipad individually is by pressing the multipad you want to stop and then press stop button. A bit unintuitive but iirc my PSR-s910 also react that way.

Lee Batchelor

What the heck is "CMIIW?" More texting shorthand that not everyone understands :)?
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.


Quote from: Lee Batchelor on Jan 21, 2020, 07:11 AM
What the heck is "CMIIW?" More texting shorthand that not everyone understands :)?

Correct Me If I'm Wrong =CMIIW

Lee Batchelor

Thanks, Stephen. I find these abbreviations are being used a lot on forums. Not all of us spend our entire days texting frivolous content and hence, don't know what these abbreviations mean. They are very annoying!

People, write out the words :)!!
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.

Lee Batchelor

Quote from: Francesco Massa on Jan 22, 2020, 10:38 AM
A small correction: while pressing STOP button, press the pad button number you want to stop. THIS VIDEO shows it clearly (German language).

Plain and simple, all Pad buttons should be toggle On and Off. Having to press two buttons is just nuts. The location of the pad buttons is where we all play the melody. At least if they were on the left, the rhythms have a hold characteristic where we could reach up between bars and turn them on or off. With a toggle action, it wouldn't matter too much whether they're on the left or right.

There are times when Yamaha thinks we all have five hands.
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.


Quote from: Lee Batchelor on Jan 22, 2020, 11:13 AM
Plain and simple, all Pad buttons should be toggle On and Off.

Except ...

People would complain that they accidentally hit the button twice, resulting in the pad staying switched off.

Also, if you change the multipad bank while a pad is running, and press the button again, then the current behaviour is to immediately switch to use the pad from the new bank. If they were toggle on/off then this scenario would then need 2 presses - one to stop the running pad, another to start the new one. i'm sure someone would complain they couldn't remember if thy had to press the button 2, 3, or 4 times in a row :)

It's the same old story ... any change in behaviour to suit one scenario makes another one more difficult. It's hard to get a good compromise!

Lee Batchelor

Quote from: DerekA on Jan 22, 2020, 11:59 AM
Except ...

People would complain that they accidentally hit the button twice, resulting in the pad staying switched off.

Also, if you change the multipad bank while a pad is running, and press the button again, then the current behaviour is to immediately switch to use the pad from the new bank. If they were toggle on/off then this scenario would then need 2 presses - one to stop the running pad, another to start the new one. i'm sure someone would complain they couldn't remember if thy had to press the button 2, 3, or 4 times in a row :)

It's the same old story ... any change in behaviour to suit one scenario makes another one more difficult. It's hard to get a good compromise!
Good points, DerekA. It would be a tough call.
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.


Quote from: EileenL on Jan 20, 2020, 06:37 AM
Hi Mike,
  I would not think this is a fault with the keyboard but rather the way you have your Midi's stored. Remember you can only have so many files stored in Sub Folders as well as so many Midi's in files.

Hi Eileen, sorry for the delayed response. Yes dear, there is a limit to the amount of files within folders and sub-folders, and sub-folders within folders, etc. Knowing that, when I originally transferred my midi files to the Genos I had to of course limit the amount of midi files I placed within folders and sub-folders. The fact that I was able to transfer the midi files successfully meant that I had stayed within the specification limit. As I stated previously, when I was using OS 1.40 the extreme delays in accessing midi files, on occasion, and/or when moving up or down within the folder display menu, didn't happen near to the extent it happens now using OS 2.01. As I also mentioned previously, I actually have significantly reduced the amount of midi files within certain folders and sub-folders in order to help reduce the delays and that does help, but it has not cured the problem. In certain situations (like when using the Search feature, etc., as I stated in my previous post) it still does occur on occasion even in the folders/sub-folders where I significantly reduced the number of midi files. And the Beach Boy midi file I was trying to access, using the Search function, only had a very limited amount of midi files within the folder. My Genos works great in every other way otherwise. Apparently I'm the only one experiencing this specific problem since it seems all the other members on this forum don't have vast amounts of midi files located on their User Drive(s), since nobody has chimed in confirming the same issue. The fact that this problem didn't really occur when using OS 1.40 means the problem is most likely the result of some coding glitch in the software programming of OS 2.0/01. It is a fairly common occurrence which can happen when an OS is updated. For instance, Microsoft Windows 10. Microsoft fixes certain "bugs" and updates certain features on Windows 10 fairly often. And occasionally when they do that, other problems have arisen and then they need to go back to the drawing board and fix the new "bugs" or features they 'broke' after the update. All I am asking is for Yamaha to look in to this specific issue, if they have the time, and hopefully fix it with the next update. ;)

All the best,

Lee Batchelor

Another idea slightly off topic but related - we all seem to rely more and more on USB transfers. It would be nice to see USB 3 or better installed in Genos 2. The current USB is painfully slow. I know we can put the Genos in USB mode with a PC but that's of no use when we're gigging.
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.


It would be convenient iff the "Song-Markers" could be operated in the "score"-display
from midifiles .
Best Regards
Eddy Vanzee


it could be good aplying effects to multipads and audio channel of audio styles.

why not is possible yamaha?


Yes I've never understood why ensemble parts have to be from a restricted set. Surely the clever bit is assigning the physical keys to the 4 parts, not making the sounds??


Quote from: pco on Jan 29, 2020, 09:07 AM
it could be good aplying effects to multipads and audio channel of audio styles.

why not is possible yamaha?
I agree and also to apply EQ, and different Volume for each part (Main 1-4, Fills, Break etc), like a normal Midi Style.. :-\

Toril S

Bigger fonts and more contrast on the screen would be nice. And folders should have a different color.
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


1) The biggest problem is that sub outputs sends a signal without Reverb,Dsp.
  I would like to have an option to switch on Reverb,DSP Effects to Sub Outputs.

2)Smooth Transition : Changing Registratins create a loud ugly sound due to the effects or sounds saved within each OTS or Registrations. Would be great if this is fixed.

3) Indian kit is missing in Genos Styles. Please add Indian kit and some Indian voices.

4)Tempo Lock : Last used Tempo to be saved, and that Tempo can be used eventhough we stop the style and play another style.



sunny, your 4th suggestion there is already available, check under the style settings menu, "change behaviour" tab, Tempo setting


Quote from: Lee Batchelor on Jan 07, 2020, 09:47 AM
Great idea!! The Genos is a computer first, with keys and sounds attached. Yamaha needs to start treating it as such - not the other way around :D.

I disagree with this statement...
A computer can do many things...
Genos can only do a single thing..(thats being an arranger)

Its a dedicated hardware device..
And altough the software adds much of the functionallity
Its fundamentally different from a PC..
you don't call a dishwasher a computer either, do you?


Lee Batchelor

By absolute definition, you're right Bachus but you missed my point. Everything today is controlled by computer software, so much so, that no matter the device, it may as well be a computer. Obviously, I know the Genos is NOT a full-blown computer! It just behaves like one. Its predecessors were nothing but a bunch of sound module circuits and a sound system (1980s and earlier). With Genos, we can no longer just consider it a wonderful sound module. We have to know a lot about computers to get the most out of it.
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.