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Should I actually ever delete a pack from YEM

Started by anandmaloo, Dec 28, 2019, 12:59 AM

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I have several tailor made packs which consume a lot of memory. I juggle between packs. I use them for some time and then uninstall them and add others.  During this, I also make a few registrations and edited styles which remain in the system but do not work properly when I remove the relevant pack.

So I understand that if I totally delete those packs from YEM, the LSB / MSB would become vacant and YEM could allot that space to a new pack. If it does so, my registrations and styles related to that uninstalled pack would permanently become useless.

The right thing to do would be only untick those packs in YEM, if I ever want to use them again. This would ensure that YEM does not allocate that specific LSB / MSB to any other pack. If at any later date, I decide to install those packs again, i simply need to tick those packs , and the relevant registrations and styles would start working again.

Please confirm if my understanding is correct




Yes you are correct that if you reinstall packs to Genos from YEM your registrations will then work again.
  The YEM can store many many packs so no need to remove any at all. You are only restricted to 3Gb in keyboard memory which for most I thing is fine.


Anand, you have 128 locations in Yamaha for packs, from 0 to 127. You can unselect packs from YEM when you want to uninstall them from keyboard, and it will keep its place. So this is the best approach, to leave packs there in YEM and to unselect unwanted ones.
Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
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Vali Maties - Genos