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SX900 icon set

Started by Vedike69, Dec 16, 2019, 05:14 AM

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Hello ... I have a question: Is the sx900 icon set expandable? Tyros 3 contained much more. Thanks



I have not try this on the PR SX 900, but, you actually if you change the name of the file of the either style/voice/multipad,etc....there is a number at the end as an example, "GuitarStrum.S631.vce"  The part you can change with the file I am up loading, see the Icon you like and just rename the part to .S528.vce and you will see a different Icon. Just make sure you do not delete other information.

The Icons, per say, are already inside the Keyboard.....One note of disclaimer, the file I am putting up, is for the, it may have some that may not be available.

I am almost 99% certain that will work, when I made the multipads for the Expansion Packs that is what is been use, the letter with numbers that are in the chart will make the Icon appear. Same thing with the Styles....


[attachment deleted by admin]
My 2 Cents



I looked in the following two folders in the program folder of the YEM on Windows 10:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Yamaha\Expansion Manager\instruments\genos\icons\

C:\Program Files (x86)\Yamaha\Expansion Manager\instruments\psr-sx900\icons\

I found that Genos can show 434 different icons and the PSR-SX900 432.

The actual list of the Genos icons (it slightly differs from the list posted by manuel) can be downloaded here:

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I haven't tested this myself, but I think the Genos Icon-IDs should basically also be usable on the SX900.

So just change the string ".S###" or ".T###" in the file name concerned on the computer. (This "Icon-ID" is not displayed directly on the keyboard.)

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)