SX-900 Sub outs Function

Started by rcpilot, Dec 02, 2019, 03:12 PM

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OK, I have a SX-900 on order....does the back panel Sub out designed to use a Sub-woofer or is it just another regular line out?
In other words why is there a config for Sub out VS Aux out on the same jacks?
Anyone using a Subwoofer on the 900?


the 'Sub Out' on the SX-900 means the auxiliary output. Various settings are posible and (for me) it is very usable as a 'sub-out'(Allthought I'm a home-player, don't know how it works on a gig. I love the flexibility to set it to my own taste. ). It enriches the soundexperience, due to the settings (and the played song/style). Pls. see page136 Reference Manual.
Must say that the speakers sounds so good that I rarely use my (home)PA. ;)
My best regards,


I see there is a choice on the menu to use the aux outputs for Either Sub out or Aux, that is confusing to me, why is there a choice?


For me...I use the sub outputs for the drum tracks. I bring the main outs into 1&2 of my audio interface. I run the sub outs (drum tracks) into 3&4 of my interface. Allows for more precise mixing and fx recording in my DAW.