Help me with styles

Started by Axxa78, Nov 23, 2019, 02:53 PM

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Hello guys. This is my 2nd post,just bought myself a psr670 and tyros2 and i would love to play Modern Talking disco europe (cheri cheri lady and brother louie) and Survivor (eye of the tiger) but i didnt find any styles. Do you happen to have the styles?
Tx in advance.


Hi Axxa,
search in the psr tutorial page for more styles for your models:

Also you can use the style converter to convert styles of newer models for your Tyros 2.
If I'm not mistaken Tyros 2 uses the SFF 1 style format and your s670 uses the SFF2 format but it can also play the SFF 1 format.
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There are several styles in the zip file for "Cheri Cheri Lady".
I guess some of those will sound ok on your s670.
Use the Mixing Console to fix the sounds and voices where needed.

Also included a generic style I have used to play a modern talking medley.

"Synthpopduo" and "80'sclassicrock" styles are from Genos and have been converted by Ocanimus for the s970.
So they are Yamaha's presets for playing "Brother Luie" and "Eye of the tiger".
Also search Ocanimus Genos conversions for the s950 to see if they sound better on your s670.

You don't have to open a second post with the same subject.
Just be patient for people to see your post.  :)

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Covers on Youtube (live playing)
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Wow Panos, this is way beyond i imagined. Th. Thanks for sharing all that info. Im afraid i post it twice because in the meantime i managed to exchange my new s670 (which i liked very much by the way though i didnt have the chance to learn its secrets) for an used tyros2+ small difference. Did i do the right thing? I had to find also speakers and i managed to find compatible trs-ms04 used. More than that, the used tyros2 hasnt arrived it,it has been shipped from Nederlands. Bottom line,i am just an amateur,i know only.a.few. songs plus a couple of romanian songs, i learned first using a kids psr323 (if i remember right) and then korg pa50 used. Tyros2 seems complicated but at least i should make sure i have the styles for the songs i like. I bought also optional hard drive 250gb and two mutec dimms of 256 memory each, from what i understand i will need it.
Thanks again for all the helpful info and for the styles. Do you have the Lambada style.or know where i can find it on website?
Alao, from what i understand, genos has style presets for eye of the tiger and brother louie?tyros2 too?that would be great.


You can download styles especially for the Tyros 2 from here:

Tyros 2 hasn't got the newest and better styles and voices but it is always a Tyros :)

You know most of the times preset styles can be used to play many songs.

Lambada is a Brazilian song, so there has to be a style in the Latin category that suits to the song.

You can download  a style for Lambada from here and use the style converter for the Tyros 2:
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Keep in mind that styles can play in many models but they will not sound good to all of them because of the missing vioices,drumkits etc.
We use the Style Creator and  Mixing Console to make them sound good if we can spend some time.

You can also download a music finder file for the Tyros 2 for easy search for some famous songs if it isn't already installed on your keyboard:
Covers on Youtube (live playing)
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Wow! Now i have a real start. Thank you.
What do you mean by "Tyros 2 hasn't got the newest and better styles and voices"? It wasnt a real upgrade besides the mega voices? Or do you compare it to the newest keyboards?i would love tyros5 or dream genos but i am a beginner after all, plus i dont have that budget.
I know style presets can be used but they do not sound always good thats why i need a Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login - thats what i think, maybe you know tyros2 or newest psr have better presets styles.

"Keep in mind that styles can play in many models but they will not sound good to all of them because of the missing vioices,drumkits etc.
We use the Style Creator and  Mixing Console to make them sound good if we can spend some time"
That was the reason for me to spend and to buy a keyb which sounds good, not toys like i used to preciously own.

About musicfinder, i have to learn how to use it.

Thank you again for all, there is no better start for me now.


When I refer to better style and voices, yes I mean between newest and older models.
Every model has some styles that made by listening to a specific song and can be used perfectly for playing that song.
Yamaha just gave 50 styles for the Genos owners.Are they "generic" styles that the style creators have a divine inspiration to make?
Of course not. They made them by listening specific songs.
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No need to search for a dedicated style for every song to be 95% similar to the original one.
You know,if you can play the start and the end of the song (and all the other parts too) by your self you don't really need so much a dedicated style,you just need a drum,a bass and some organs that play similar to the song's arrangement.
The "Assembly function" will help you to combine parts from styles for this task.
For example you will not find yet a cover of mine on Youtube that I have used a dedicated song style or have made a style from scratch.

Anyway as long as you are a beginner, find a style for the song you want to play and use the mixing console to make it sound good for a Tyros 2.(revoice the style parts,change the effects and volumes,delete or replace the part that cannot be fixed with another part from another style, etc)

There are lessons about all these things in the psr tutorial main site (the one with the styles).

A music finder is a list of e.g 2000 songs that point you which preset style of Tyros 2,in which variation and tempo is suitable for playing each one of these songs.
Covers on Youtube (live playing)
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Hello Axxa

Your new Tyros2 keyboard is from 2005 and uses the older SFF1 format styles. In 2008 Yamaha went to a newer format called SFF2 styles. All the SFF1 styles will play in the newer keyboards.

The issue with the Tyros2 and SFF1 style format is the newer styles (those since 2008) wont play properly in your keyboard. The reason is you don't have a voice to properly replace some of guitar, brass and stings used.

However there are many styles available at our site that have been reworked you can use.

Here is my page which contains "532 styles" that will work on your Tyros2 keyboard (go to the very bottom of the page to find them).

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Styles that will work with your keyboard with no problems are the following:
PSR2000, PSR2001, Tyros1, PSR3000

You can find more styles by reviewing each of the other members pages found here as well:

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Thank you Drake, this is very helpful for me,i'm a fast learner. The budget was the reason i went buying tyros2 used and not the newer models (i dream of genos or at least tyros5 but im a beginner i need more practice first). Earlier I was speaking to someone who has a romanian program around 512mb (registration banks??? Styles, voices ) which i suppose must install to my tyros (i have the memory because i bought it) in order to have better regional styles and voices but i really dont know anything about installing that, so yes, i need to learn and know this keyb.
Plus, since i watched a Michel Voncken yamaha tyros 1 demo, i fell in love with playing Gipsy Kings' volare cantare on tyros. Do someone has a better style or i can use the presets like Michel did in the video?

Thanks again Drake,i'll check your collections and the other's asap.

Graham UK

When I had the T2 I converted all SFF2 Styles To SFF1. Most worked very well with a little sometimes voice tweaking.

PS. I still think the T2 was one of the best Tyros available.

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Wow.thanx3sharing. where exactly in the website provided are your packs? there are too many sections there and sources but no Graham.


Hi Azza78

Graham's page of styles is found here:

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Graham was explaining to you about a free software program that can be use to convert newer SFF2 styles to the old SFF1 format. Then you might be able to use them in your keyboard.

You should wait trying to use the software until you know your keyboard better. First learn the sounds it has and where to find them before trying to make styles using this software. Just a warning to you as you could spend hour(s) with one style and still not be happy with the way it turns out.

It is just that there are now Hundreds of styles the members have already converted for you.

Here is a link to the converter program.

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You're so right. I have so many styles and voices, i still dont know them to be able to choose right away, to jump to a proper voice or style right away.tx