How to get voice effect to apply to a wider range of notes

Started by Fred Smith, Nov 21, 2019, 01:16 PM

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Fred Smith

On my Genos, I'm using the Legacy BigBandTrumpet. It has a wah effect (when you press the keys hard enough). But it's currently working only for notes A5 and above.

How do I get the effect to apply to a wider range of notes (specifically the octave below A5)?


Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Fred, I don't think Yamaha intended that one to shake lower down. You could use the SA2 BigBandTrumpet, that shake persists all the way down the RH. You can even make it easier to achieve if necessary by increasing the touch offset in voice editor to say 90 (which is probably too much) and back off from there.

Ps.  SA BigBandBrassSW on Brass main page 2 shakes a bit lower down too although the default voice quality does not sound as good IMO.


Hi Fred,
I have tried to change the voice through voice set and the touch settings to see if there is a way to emulate this effect above the A3 note but with no success.
It seems that is effect is a part of the way that the original sound wave is made so it works only on the upper octaves.

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