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Share Styles?

Started by jaebea, Nov 18, 2019, 10:40 PM

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I traded my nearly new S975 for the SX900 last weekend after being told that all the 975 styles are included in the SX900.  Well, a few styles are missing and one in particular I use alot.  Because I am a newbie, I don't know what the rules are about sharing styles.  Is it allowed?

The 3 styles I need (especially the first one) are:

EPBallad (Ballads)
ModCntryBld2 (Country)
WorshipMed (R&B)

I am the worship leader at my church and have 85 songs so far that I have used since June.  There are about 10 songs using those styles.  The rest of the styles are all there in the 900.  Thank you in advance if anyone can help me!


Fred Smith

You should have copied all your styles before you let go of the keyboard. That's what most of us do.

Can you still access your keyboard? If so, you can just copy the styles yourself.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Here you go!

[attachment deleted by admin]
...Fly Forever!


I am still very much a noob at all of this so I believed the person who told me all the 975 styles were in the 900.  And no, my 975 is gone. :(


oh my gosh Henni, THANK YOU!!!!!! ;D  ;D  ;D


You are welcome my friend.
...Fly Forever!

Gunnar Jonny

Also all styles is to find here PSR Tutorial:

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Each category can be downloaded separately, just click the group name in the blue top of categories. (or right click - save as)
BTW, I'm a bit amazed that Fred did not point to that possibility as well. PSR Tutorial Site is a ocean of info and recources.  :)
Cheers & Happy Playing. 🍷 🎶🎵
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)


Hello jaebea

We also have a special section in our forum called "STYLE/OTS" which is used for requesting styles. Generally requests are filled there within an hour or so. ;)

That section is set up for all members to share their style there. It is also good for you to note what keyboard you have by putting that information in your PROFILE or in your SIGNATURE.



So very helpful everyone!!  Thank you very much!  ;D