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Missed the mark 2.0

Started by elad770, Nov 15, 2019, 03:01 PM

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Don't Get me wrong guys, I love the update


The most exciting thing for me to wait for is the Multi Pad control and the ability to control Volume etc etc.....

But as you can all see, The multi Pad section in the mixer CAN NOT be saved in registration! HAHAHA :) which is tragically funny

What is the point of allowing Multi Pad 1,2,3,4 To be controlled separately is the setting can not be saved onto a registration??!!

Clearly a Huge Bug, which still makes the multi-pad stopper my best friend - UNFORTUNATELY

Maybe i missed something, any thoughts?


I see that too, but is not a bug.
If you read Data List Parameters Chart, you will see that MPad tab have no place in registrations. None of the settings you do there is saved in registrations. And yes, is most of it useless if could not save in registrations.  :'(

Maybe in the future, we will see, also, Multi Pads with separated Volumes, Filter, EQ, Effect, and all those things in Mixer screen, to be available for Multi Pads!

Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel -

Vali Maties - Genos


Quote from: valimaties on Nov 15, 2019, 04:55 PM
I see that too, but is not a bug.
If you read Data List Parameters Chart, you will see that MPad tab have no place in registrations. None of the settings you do there is saved in registrations. And yes, is most of it useless if could not save in registrations.  :'(

Maybe in the future, we will see, also, Multi Pads with separated Volumes, Filter, EQ, Effect, and all those things in Mixer screen, to be available for Multi Pads!


The problem is they can't change the data format from an excisting instrument, or they will make all excisting data obsolete..

Altough, they could allow for different types of dataformats, but this would bring other problems